I want the game to go back to being simpler

No way I’m reading all the posts on this thread, but I skimmed by one that suggested they make LFR solo capable just for story.

I’d enjoy that immensely if such a feature came to wow. You don’t have to change LFR just make a new mode that’s literally you solo a raid (I mean it’s designed for solo not wait for time to go by when you massively out gear it and solo it).

There’s tech now that can adjust mob difficulty to the gear of the character…use that in this solo mode to make it challenging and not a complete cakewalk.

The key is the mode is based around the concept you do it just for fun and to see the story that all the regular raiders talk about.

There are no gear drops on story mode. Maybe make small chances at getting a glyph or something else purely cosmetic. But that’s it. Throw the character a completion achievement if they finish the raid .

For a pure solo player like myself who plays only a couple hours a play session far more times than not …this would likely be the best feature in the game to me.

This is on the money. You go to any gaming site and when people are talking about MMOs WoW has the worst reputation and isn’t recommended for new players. People all talk about how competitive, and highly toxic WoW has become and that’s a problem.


There is a huge survivorship bias on these forums. If you go outside these forums, the sentiment around WoW at the moment is pretty bleak.

The post launch content for DF has been mediocre at best, definitely not the quality you would expect from an AAA studio. If you want to play the game, you’re basically left with just farming M+ or trying to get into a Mythic raid team, which is like applying for a job.

The game is just a bloated, overly complicated mess these days.


I think they’re appealing to the wrong base and treating this like it’s a battle royale competitive pvp game instead of an mmorpg with vast lore and content that isn’t competitive except with a small community.


I see that as more of an indictment against the genre than WoW. MOBAs and BRs really took the lunch of MMORPGs.

The genre itself is stale. Especially given that most Single-Player RPGs are vastly vastly superior with lore and Roleplay, BG3 is a good example.


The fun in games like this is getting together with random people and doing the content. But doing it at a chill casual fun and maybe semicompetitive way. The game has never been great at rpg story telling, but if you read the quest text it can be interesting at least.

It doesn’t seem to want to invest heavily in the rpg aspect and gives you crumbs here and there after you’ve done x tasks after 1 week or whatever. The world content is uninspired and recycled it seems, world quests are years old now, and removing borrowed power I think showed the underlying cracks.

Those that are happy to do M+ and Mythic raiding til their blue in the face usually don’t seem to care about the rest of the game. They’re happy at least with what they have, but I think also M+ ruined dungeon running with how it’s designed.


I think the current development team that has been working on the game since Legion doesn’t have a clue what to do with this game anymore.

So many of the new systems since then have been copy pasta from other genres and other Blizzard games, all in an effort to try to breathe new life into the game. The problem is, the team just feels like they’re phoning stuff in, or they don’t have the talent to actually make fun systems and content anymore.

DF post launch content outside the raid and new dungeon has been some of the most boring content I have ever seen added to an MMO in years.

To your point, the developers have been courting the hardcore players for years as well. Having content in the game like Mythic raiding and high keys has an effect on the game even though you might not engage with that content.

It attracts a certain type of player base just having those difficulties in the game.

WoW needs a serious reset if it wants to survive. I see the same hardcore mentality that Wildstar had in their game, and we all know what happened there.

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Yeessss! Also if they remove the timer I’d be all over it! I’d probably be playing it every day, lol…or at least give an option to ditch the timer. I don’t know how they would workout the rewards for something like that but I would love it.


I really think the future of the genre is going to be an massive AI storyteller that has a dynamic story and can change the world on a whim giving players the ability to group up and feel impactful toward the overall world. That’s where MMORPGs need to start looking toward.

Otherwise what you wind up with is just recycled content and speed runs for days that totally eliminate the need or desire to actually roleplay. Basically WoW now is just a reaction game of coordinated DDR. The only reason FF14 is better is because they have strict community toxicity policies and does a better job of garnering newer players and retaining them with the strict rules of community and no add-ons.


How about something as simple as you don’t get put on the leaderboard? I’d be down with absolutely no title or leaderboard status if no timer was an option.

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Honestly do think this might be kind of cool, but isn’t this already possible? and how it works given out of time keys don’t give much of anything of value.

The only issue I see is how do you get to something that difficult in the first place? Do you opt to run your key in “Crawler” mode which guarantees an upgrade if it’s completed but means it can only be run on “Crawler” mode from that point forward?

Like how do you make this work without just being a way to bypass / artificially inflate actual key scores?


Visions and torghast were horrible. Please no

If you complete it you go up a key level, and if you don’t you have the option to downgrade it. You get 2 loot or whatever it is and no extra and can take your sweet time doing the entire key. This is just a basic starter concept.

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So this stops people crawling up to whatever key level they want then timing keys for score at that level how?

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The key would change to an alternate key type I’ll call Chill + and can’t be a M+ key any longer. You’ll need a new normal M+ key for that.

Or it would simply just be a Chill 2+ key to start basically and separate from the other key.

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Yeah I mean I’d be down for a more dungeon crawler centric experience running parallel to Mythic+, the other concern I have is that it just becomes a Mythic+ training mode.

Maybe have it use an alternate dungeon pool that swaps over after a season?


Probably and perhaps just a more chill laid back nontimed option as well. Again tho you’d get less loot, it might take a lot longer than normal M+ runs, and takes longer to progress upward. Also no leaderboard or titles so yeah just a way to do harder content at your own pace and a simple change they could make I guess.


I think it’d have to have an alternate pool but I do like the idea of there being another way to engage with dungeons that doesn’t have the rewards and prestige but does allow people an experience they’ve been wanting.

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OP, I don’t disagree with you. I miss the simpler days too. But we have to make things simple for ourselves since the game won’t do it. The beautiful thing about WoW is that we can choose how to play it.


Indeed, I think there is some argument to be made that the power difference between simple and complex has grown a little too high in terms of talent builds but the overall conclusion is still mostly the same.

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