I want the game to go back to being simpler

Hmmm. I’m not sure why we’ve had different experiences but apparently we have.

I don’t think any individual pull or encounter has been made notably difficult to heal. What’s happened is the frequency of encounters like this in keys has risen to the point where the hps cooldowns you use to combat them are spread too thin. Things like the first section of HoI are fine… If it didn’t go straight into irideus. Forgemaster in Neltharus is fine… If it wasn’t proceeded by two packs of elementals + blacksmiths.

Bliz could fix the m+ healing issue by repacing some of the trash / boss mechanic orders to give healers opportunity to recover their CDs.

I heal mythic on my shaman and I barely have just enough cooldowns to keep the group going and I struggle with mana. Basically earthen wall totem can make or break a resto shaman, crippled without it.

Idk maybe I just suck. I’ve never been great at this game. Just being honest!

No I don’t think you suck at all!

Healing check issues are something you won’t really feel before a certain key level. If you’re not yet at a point where XYZ ABC pulls require healing CDs to survive you won’t notice how the pacing currently stretches those cd timings.

You’re arguing with a known forum agitator. Any time they get called out, they will fold like a cheap suit, or start deflecting like they did in this thread when they get called out.

Look how they dodged my question here, this poster just loves to argue with people. You will never get anywhere with them, they are firmly entrenched with their views on how the game should operate.

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You’re having a very, very different experience than I am. I use cooldowns every pull otherwise party members will die.

That’s my point. I’m having the same experience you are which is why I agree with you, saneara isn’t.

It used to be you had packs that were less dangerous / intense on healing every now and then to let healers recover CDs for the next intense pull / boss. That’s no longer really the case.


You are playing a warrior, one of the least keybind intensive classes in the game…

Maybe you should stop playing WoW and pick up something like Pac-Man or Pong as a new hobby?

I see. In that case yes I do agree with you.

I think those days are gone friend. Might be time to find a relaxing game to unwind with.

Yep. You, me and a whole lot of people are talking about the same thing. WOW has become rush everything. MOP was FUN, now it’s just. I don’t know. no exploring, no adventure. Just watching timers. I have a sub but haven’t played now in 2 weeks. No desire to do the same grind of M+ for vault, SAME weekly quests. It’s just a boring scenerio. MOP had it all right.

I miss my damn farm.


I keep looking, but nothing really there. Don’t want all of the button bloat as well. There is a new one on the horizon that looks promising. 5 abilities, that’s it and a very cool atmosphere to wonder around in. Seems more adventure driven.


This game isn’t changing anytime soon. Bobby, Mike, and Ion designed this game now to keep players playing so they stay subbed. You lessen the complexity and the biggest streamers on twitch will scream how easy it is and lose even more players.

The only hope you have for a revamping of this MMO is if Microsoft decides to step in once the deal is finalized but you probably won’t see that happen for a long time considering MS is really only after King, and CoD.

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I ended up getting into survival/building games looking for something to unwind with.


Those are a blast. H1Z1 was my thing until the hackers ruined it and the company shut down the servers. I had so many hours of fun in that game. Can’t find anything quite like it, either.

I do love single player stuff like BioShock/Half-Life Alyx. etc.

So boring unengaging content. Cool. Not everyone is cut out for Normal raiding, let alone Heroic.

Now i know you are just being a troll. That was some of the most garbage content they ever made.

Thats raiding. Unfortunately alot of the populus of WoW are neanderthals, and apparently can’t be bothered to read a guide or multitask.

Maybe its time to find a different game.

There would be a HUGE market for something easy, relaxing. Different. There is a place for a game like that long side of games like WOW.

Try Ark: Survival Evolved but wait until the ASA version is sold, or you can play single player with a cheap copy of the current version of Ark. ASA is the remastered version they are opening new servers with and shutting down all the old official ones (which were all kind of bad anyway and most played unofficial/SP).

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ESO and GW2 are the “relaxing” MMOs imo.

FF14 is also a lot more relaxing and their community is a lot kinder than over here.