I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

Oh, do you not enjoy the feeling of being inundated with content that doesn’t adhere to your own orientation or identity?

I wonder if LGBT people could relate to that. Perhaps much more strongly due to demographics.


Lol what? :rofl:

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giving you a honest chance here. no salt. no toxicicity.
the reason you are recieving allot of hate replies or flippant/passive aggressive replies calling you a troll is because theres a troll around general discussion who decides its there lifes greatest pleasure to act like a LGBTQ representative and spews crazy stuff.

this troll ( alongside many others ) polluted the well as bad actors.

with that. ill treat you as a rational person.
what is a lgbtq raid?
what is a lgbtq dungeon?


how about no?

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so we have to pander to less then 10% of the worlds population because of inclusion…

Most of the stuff that comes from this group is nonsense anyhow

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Can’t wait till certain agendas are a thing of the past.


Representation is kind of a dumb concept tbh. I don’t get angry when watching Asian films that there aren’t any white people in them. Sometimes things aren’t about you, and that needs to be okay. Tons of films with all-black casts and I never watch them and say dumb things like “man this movie would be so much better if there were a white person in it”

All any of this does is lead to mass pandering.


what can you expect from gamers? they know nothing more then gaming.

Being against the accommodation of three quarters of a billion people is a bit mask off for you, isn’t it?

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Right back at you. People wanting representation is not about you. It is about people who general don’t get representation or horrible representation.

Except alot of people are doing exactly that. Take for example, the new Captain America. Apperently a good chunk people can’t accept that he is now played by an African American.


White men are less than 10 percent of the world’s population, yet there are still a bunch of white dudes taking up all our time and attention in the story, whether it’s Arthas or Anduin or Turalyon or whoever!

Acceptance and inclusion are fine concepts, but they don’t need to be a part of everything. You cannot be inclusive in all things all of the time without dilution. There should be plenty of media representing one point of view while also not erasing another. There’s a real push right now for everything to be inclusive in all ways. Just like I don’t need to see a token white guy in a movie not designed around them we don’t need LGBT representation in every single thing.

It really is fine for both to exist. I don’t see a problem with its inclusion in wow, but there is a big forceful push for it to be present in EVERYTHING.

It’s important to note that twitter people are not majority opinion, nor reddit folk. Sam was captain america in the comics long before the MCU was ever a thing and they can get over it.

You’re shocked people make stories modeled off of themselves? It’s normal. White men happened to make this game, so of course the majority of representation is of them. Do you also get mad when Asians are majority represented in games they create?

No there isn’t! Only in large stories where it would be highly improbable for there to be as few visible LGBT characters as there have been in over 17 years of WoW and over a decade of the MCU for example!

Well now Blizzard is specially is trying to make their devs more diverse so yeah, don’t get mad that now they want their game to be more diverse as well.

And I say people can get over having LGBTQ+ characters in WoW.

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Which is fine, WoW is a massive space for everyone. I never said otherwise. Don’t be shocked when white people are a little upset to see things they considered their space is diluted though. It’s going to be a pain point for awhile. A lot of black people talk about appropriation anytime white folks come in and take over a character that was historically black; people always get mad at this stuff. You cannot stop it from happening all you can do is encourage them to see it from your POV and hope they absorb it.

You all want real conversations about this stuff but get mad when someone comes along and tells you the truth. You wonder why there is a backlash well, duh, no one wants to see less of themselves in anything that was historically built around them.


i want more sigma grindset representation :wink:

i dont care what you like outside in the real world - let’s game.

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A little? Oh please a good chunk of them throw huge tantrums anytime a non-male/white character gets the spotlight.

Well then they will have to learn to live with it. Sorry, but the world changed and one can hope they would change as well. But if they won’t then the world has no obligation to cater to their specific demands.

Asian games are more diverse! There’s plenty of black people in Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid games! You’ve got Barrett from FF7, Kiros from FF8, Sazh from FF13, Fran from FF12 kinda looks like she could be black, Raven and the DARPA chief (iirc) from MGS1, Stillman and Fortune from MGS2, SIGINT from MGS3, etc. It goes on and on

Also if the game is made to reflect the people who made it then there should be more trans characters, because an important member of the WoW team is trans!


There is so many communities out there, we will not single out of one community. There is allot of stuff that is not represented in this game, but community created groups for that same reason. Stick with communities and that’s it.