I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

Oh no it has video…

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maybe not
ppl with dogs dont use roombas as they run over the poo and then you have to buy a new house


Well that is totally not nightmare fuel


No… I made sure my kids had great educations, so I wouldn’t have to support them as adults… I don’t want to support a robot who won’t do chores… you can’t make me! you CAN’T make me…lol

lol fair enough (btw the gif was in response to someone else with the poo and roomba).

I would be more than happy to take it. Idk what I would DO with it, but if does become sentiant I’ll take it.

I do love my roomba I have a messy kid

I use to have a liter robot too however there had to have been some unfortunate cat/liter robot event I missed. All of a sudden the liter robot became the gateway to hell. Nothing is perfect.

Do the bosses need to prance around with limp wrists or something? Is it in the name instead? Say… Big Daddy D’s Drag Castle?

I think the alphabet soup needs to calm down.


Thats a false statement! The number of LGBTQ+ WORLD WIDE is 10%. That makes the vast, vast majority, or 90% straight. Out of that 90%, you have the folks that do not like all of this LGBTQ+ stuff QUIT the game. So statistically, more people probably quit because of it, rather than joined because of the added “representation”. The changing of content that has long been in the game as long as it has existed, IE the bowl of fruit painting. Probably caused more players to quit, rather than join the game. Yes its a silly reason, but it happened.


Loaded Gun Bionic Toaster Quesadilla


you get a whole month i dont wana see any of it however you all have made it where i have 0 choice other than to roll with it… if i dont agree with grooming or abortion or w/e talking point you all are reeeeing about im a bigot or a racist… i honestly dont care what you all do how many kids you kill or convert what i do care is at the end of the day it somehow is costing me money…


Okay, well for one thing, not everyone has to like everything in the game, and there’s already a ton of stuff that str8 people like, so if anything is added to appeal to gay people, surely str8 people can just get over it

If this game merely consisted of stuff that more than half of its players were interested in, it would be a much tinier game, if not an entirely dead one. I wouldn’t be surprised if less than half of all players did any raiding above LFR; maybe we should delete normal through mythic

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You’re being dishonest with yourself if you think that doesn’t apply across the board.

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Lmao @ pride dungeons.


Clearly Blizzard(and soon Microsoft from their stance on pride) dont care about the people that quit due to LGBTQ+ stuff. Clearly not enough quit that it was ever a financial issue to them.

I would also point out most of the big MMO dont seem to be clamoring for these people people to join there MMO(SwTor, Skyrim, Guild Wars 2 and FF14 have gay representation)

When I say “representation” I am talking about ALL represtation that has been slowly added to Warcraft. Whether it be female character taking a more prominent role(Warcraft use to be a boys club) to the increase in Black and Asian representation.

I still remember hearing about people being told they couldn’t play female characters in certain roleplaying groups.

We have an uh–interesting community.

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I dont care if characters or gay or bi, I dont even particularly mind it being story plots, but dont force anything onto my character itself. :slight_smile:

Why does one sexual “preference” have anything to do with games. This crap is forced on us in life, people are getting sick of “either accept us and push it or your evil because you don’t forcibly agree with me or else!” I play games to escape life, not see this here. Why don’t we have religious tolerance? Why don’t we have straight pride parades?


How is there not religious tolerance? Holy priests (based on Christianity, unlike pagan healers such as druids, shamans, etc.) are the most overpowered healing spec. The most Satanic dps class (warlocks) got nerfed. If you think about it, the game pampers Christians too much

Okay well maybe they should make every character gay because that would make it an even greater departure from the real world

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“shut up, meg.” ™

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It’s a troll thread, report and move on.