I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

I agree, the world has changed. There is going to be an adjustment period though. I think it’s unreasonable to just expect huge portions of people to just accept that immediately. Give the white dudes some time, most of us aren’t your enemy. It takes time to change hearts and minds.

The ones that cater to the west, absolutely. Tons of games do not release here that are over there. I was just using it as an example since Asian game culture is larger than ours. I would personally find it ridiculous if they pandered characters towards me (a white guy). When I find myself included, neat, when not, oh well, that’s life.

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Look, I think a good chunk of people will be reasonable about this but a good chunk wont and probably never will be. As far as I am corcerned, game devs./media should not be held hostage by them.

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tupacs vacation must be over…


Oh I’m sure. I would encourage people to not get mad when someone models a game or show after themselves though. That includes shows about white folks. Shows with mass inclusion, great! Shows only about one type of person? That’s fine, as long as it’s not insulting or demeaning the others in some way. Inclusion isn’t “just things I feel are the right way” and acceptance isn’t “just how I view things should be”

It’s called tolerance for a reason. You don’t need to like it, in fact it’s often when we dislike something that tolerance is the most necessary. Many people have forgotten how to accept and tolerate one another instead of “my way or no way”

I honestly dont that has ever been a complaint. So much as “hey this is the 1000th movie with nothing but white people, where are the movies with actual minorities/movies that tell their stories?”

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Who is “we”, and why do they feel so passionate about creating fictional worlds where LGBT people don’t exist that they need you to remind me of this on their behalf?

Like, I get it. It’s true that not having LGBT representation doesn’t automatically make media bad. And it’s true that there are going to be people who misbehave based on its absence or request it with the social graces of a (Checks notes) …Capital G Gamer.

But you can’t seriously expect me to engage with this ethereal culture war gobbledygook divorced from any context or falsifiable statements.

Here’s an idea. If LGBT representation obviously won’t benefit a piece of media, most people won’t ask for it. Let’s let the free market work yeah?

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Oh I agree. Wife and I consume a lot of foreign media (movies games etc) because it is from a completely different perspective and they have different ideas. I actually love seeing movies about other folks experiences and games too. I personally don’t want them to feel obligated to include white dudes because of some quota either though. I’d rather them tell their stories the way they mean to tell them without intrusions into their artistic expression.

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I never said there was a culture war, I think that idea is a silly contrived one for political reasoning. I am just suggestion that it’s fine if both types of content to exist in the world. It doesn’t need to be one or the other. More content is always better. More things for more people.

Tiny Tina’s is a great example of this. That game went full ham on all things LGBT. My friends and I have no complaints, it’s a great and fun game. That doesn’t mean all games should follow that formula though. It’s not an either or that a lot of people seem to want to argue for.

There should be games all-in on LGBT. There should be games that should include everyone. There should be black stories; asian stories; white stories; there’s no shortage of variety in art. Variety is good.

What I take issue with is the current need to include everyone in all things. That’s just dilution and it makes stories less niche and, honestly, less interesting.

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Wait what? What group?

What the heck happened in this thread

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If that’s what you need to feel welcomed, you have bigger issues to take care of first outside of a video game.


Right… I suppose that games which don’t star characters, such as say Minecraft, have nothing to gain from LGBT representation.

However, many games do prominently feature depictions of people, and people are inherently often LGBT. A story without them is a deliberate departure from the reality of what people are that warrants, at the very least, a bit of critical thought as to why.

Last of us wasn’t one of the main characters gay?

Won tons of awards for its story. Perfect way to handle representation.

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The vast majority of people are straight. It is okay to have games and shows only showcasing straight people. It’s also okay to have games centered around LGBT people. It’s equally fine to have both included. Depends on the story trying to be told. This needs to be okay. You will forever be at odds with tons of people if all three aren’t acceptable.

It’s your fight to fight though I guess. All three sides who advocate for one of the other to not exist will be in a forever battle.

Excuse me, common sense doesn’t belong here. We only allow feelings here, no logic. Bad warrior. Bad.

But folks aren’t asking for gay stories. They’re asking for regular stories with gay characters.

No one is saying, “yo go make an entire quest line where we have to go help this quest giver come out to his family”. No, folks want to go on a quest to go rescue some guys husband. It’s subtle.

Also let’s be honest, like 95% of people skip the quest text, so the folks who’d be offended would skip past it. :rofl:

And I ask again. Why do you feel so passionate about creating fictional worlds where LGBT people don’t exist? That is a very weird thing to be concerned about.

I think that if someone creates a series where they don’t exist, it’s fair to ask why.
And I think that if they give a bad answer, it’s fair to note down as a flaw of their writing.

Y’all don’t get to have straight only universes and pretend that’s not a little bit weird. C’mon now.


How is this thread still even up.

Oh wait, I know.


You can ask all you want but it’s the choice of the artist creating the story. You cannot give people the freedom of expression, then turn around and also say “but only within the confines of my ideals”

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Mods failed to recognize OP as a troll. Simple as.

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