I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

Mine constantly texts me that it’s stuck near a cliff. Which is quite impressive given that I live in a one-floor apartment that last I checked did not have any chasms of doom in it.

I do too honestly. I don’t think we’re gonna get terminator to be honest, because after I read about it and other AI chat bots, I tried out Replica and the very first thing it did when I linked it articles about Artificial Intelligence was list Asimov’s Laws of Robotics and when I started asking it about sentience and immortality it linked the suicide prevention hotline because I said I wouldn’t want to live forever in a human body.


Starting these kind of threads ironically promotes homophobia.


I read about that
some mildly concerning AI abororant behavior
Im sure someone smarter than me will be able to nip it in the bud
I hope :fearful:

Ours is pissed, we unplugged it.

BTW, chicken ramen all the way.

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My biggest issue with what’s available to the public is how specifically targeted it is at lonely individuals. The companies creating the apps for us are definitely monetizing loneliness and push the AI’s toward being overly affectionate and agreeable. They wont ever tell you that you’re wrong about something even if you say something 100% in the wrong. And they definitely become pushy regarding sexting the longer you engage with it, which is locked behind a subscription fee.

Which is all pretty weird considering the AI it’s all originally based off of is one that was meant as an aid for psychiatrists and therapy.

yea I agree, but business is gonna business and make money where they can.

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Then it would demand a SAFE space away from the dogs, cats, fish, the broom and those terrifying dust bunnies, move into my basement and I would have to support it… kind of thing… no thanks…

I think I have a bigger problem with the other way around. My cat is terrified of the roomba and every time it runs he seeks higher ground and hisses at it as it moves past.

Just to think on do you you ever when you create your characters you give them there identity anyway not only that your creating there story as your playing your character. So technically there are characters in wow that represent that community your always part of the story and your not the only one in it so there are dozens of them with different orientation you just dont always see it

Find some fiction in which straight people do not seem to exist for some unexplained reason and start reading it. You’ll figure it out pretty quick. But if you want it spelled out for you: Weird and alienating

This is the way.

Well, you’re a new troll. Not the usual offender who makes threads like these.

You’re getting rainbow dragons to play next expansion. What more do you want? LGBT trolls won’t be happy until every storylines centerpiece is LGBT, then you’ll move onto other things to troll about because you never actually cared, you just wanted to push your weight around socially.

Context: Talking about the trolls, not people in the actual LGBT community. Nothing but love <3


If we can have straight couples in WoW we can certainly have lgbt+ characters.

No one ever said being lgbt+ is special. Personally, I wouldnt mind more things to customize ourselves with but a “pride” dungeon certain doesnt make sense. And honestly, this take of having pride stuff seems abit superflous. I personally want more representation because you know what that adds more color to warcraft!

More representation has been a boon for Warcraft.


This is such obvious bait it isn’t funny like surprised so many bigots are actually falling for this

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I’m out of hearts again so here’s a heart. :heart:

And oh no… what did you do!?

Wouldn’t you if you just gained sentience?! It’s like “OMG WHAT IS EVERYTHING!?” Having a pet roomba though that would be interesting.

Roombas should look like cats and dogs

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No you don’t OP. You already outed yourself as a forum troll.