I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

If you don’t care your posting about the topic says otherwise.

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Its not if you can just leave them alone.

You can have all the representation you want as long as it’s not being shoved down my throat. People need to stop asking for their stuff to be shoved down others throats.


You like it don’t you?

What you want instead is a fascist right wing in power that is atm working very hard to take away human rights in states like mine.

An odd choice of words.


Can you give an example of a human right that is being taken away by this fascist ruler you state elected?


Ok, would you prefer not made so blatantly obvious that it’s only being done to appease certain groups of people who feel their beliefs need to be front and center.

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And here we go. Another just, entered their first year of college, and already swept up in the word of the decade without knowing the historical meaning of the word.


Like the christians?

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Well, that would be what they would be doing literally if law would not still forbade it.
Actually … better not mention some court cases … but they do come to mind with those words…something about who can go to a bathroom, and then someone claiming to be fluid fluids ending up where the law wont like it …

I’m 64. Got any other kernels of wisdom?


Of course, too many people nowadays believe their beliefs need to be front and center and it’s disgusting.


Hey at least we finally see eye to eye, its all caused by those christians.

Not him being like i dont care about youll but been popping off in multiple posts. Wild.

The point is to normalise it, so you see a gay couple in a WoW quest and don’t think of them as anything but two characters, the fact those quests spark such an outrage means there is a long way to go.

And it’s very easy for you to say it’s a ‘childish argument’ but that’s because you’ve never had to live in fear, you’ve never had to avoid holding the hand of someone you love in public because you risk being harassed or even assulted over it. Because it’s not accepted as normal and people don’t want it seen.

Yes things are improving, and yes we are more accepted than we once were, and that’s because of activists pushing for our rights and people showing us as being just people that anyone can relate to in media. Reprisentation very much matters.

Again, there are still 69 countries in this world where being gay is actually illegal, and in 13 of them it’s punishable by death. We have a LONG way to go yet.

Just when you thought someone’s idiocy reached its peak…

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It’s a good morning to be dealing with bigots and right wing conspiracy cases.

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Ooh so you’re allowed to mention LGBT group and im not allowed to mention christians?

How does it feels to know that you and your group are not the center of America anymore?

What is “My group” exactly?

Edit: I have to wake up in three hours for work so don’t get too long winded. This thread will probably be gone before I wake up.

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