I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

Oh, that wasn’t aimed at you, I was just quoting you as the basis for a reply in general. :slight_smile:

I personally feel, that in a world so full of hate and rage, I cannot believe a loving God would prohibit the expression of any form of consensual love.

But, hey, that’s just me. :man_shrugging:


I agree with you 100% we shouldn’t be judging each other that is the job of God if anyone. Its a sad state we are in that we still have these arguments.

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Yep I reckon almost everything is man made, I won’t claim there isn’t a creator as that’s impossible to prove or disprove but I highly doubt we’ve gotten exactly what or who our creator is right if they do exist. The Universe is a giant place, we’re just a molecule in comparison.

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How are they set on a pedestal by existing? like, why is a quest to help a gay couple standing out to you more than a quest to help a straight couple? what makes them suposedly ‘special’ all they are doing is existing as an insignificant side quest.
And why is a gay couple so outlandish but Tyrande/Malfurion is perfectly fine by your decree? Why do you have no issue with straight people existing in your fantasy game?

What is your argument here because I’m seeing a lot of words be no actual point being made.

Several actually, first off, it’s a means of compasion and comfort something all humans seek, secondly it’s a means of population control, and thirdly it’s a means of caring for young that otherwise wouldn’t ahve a mother, like penguins. A gay penguin couple will take in abandoned eggs that mothers would have left to die, letting the baby penguin have a chance at life. All part of nature.

Who are you to decide what’s ‘natural’ and what isn’t anyway? if it exists in nature without human interferance, going to say its natural, and guess what, gay animals exist.

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Baps the hunter with a newspaper :newspaper_roll:

Bad hunter… bad!

I think Dragonflight is doing a good job of representing the LGBTQP community.

This right here is just… yeah. This speaks volumes. “A perversion of a natural instinct to find a partner to breed with.”

the title of this thread is precisely what i mean. Its not about existing, its about wanting “more representation” its always more. Its never about “stop the actual hate” its “more of me, less of you”.

Why am i deemed a “hater” if i call out these people wanting special in game treatment for their personal real world choices? And really its not just “special” treatment but specifically now its “more”.

If i asked for a religious aspect, I’d get told “theres churches” by people who utterly gloss over the fact that “the light” isnt a real world religion and the entire religious aspect of wow is fantasy and made up yet LGBT is real world. Its been already added to the game now, and yet theres still “I want more”. Seems more like its OP and the supporters, trolling or not, who are projecting "hate. By wanting more of them and less of “anyone else”.

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Runs around screaming


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Dogs are a prime example of this. Male dogs try to mount other male dogs all the time.


More LGBTQ representation has never been about “less about you”?

You are free to ask whatever you want, people asked for Gnome content and Elf content all the time, should all the Orcs players be mad about it?

what the hell

I don’t know…

Puts arms in the air while screaming

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I always have liked this theory. It’s one of the few logical ideas at least in the last 50 years or so, before that it holds little meaning.

A male lion will kill every cub when he takes over a pride so only his seed lives on. Using animals is probably not a very good comparison.

It’s just an opinion drama queen, or does king work better for your fragile sensibilities?

I can ask a nonsensical over dramatic question too

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i honestly didnt even know what was going on. I had half of my brain turned off while I was passively scrolling and noticed walls upon walls of bible versus. i was like,
“… …interesting.”

Some more fox gif’s


The ironic part is irl I can’t scream.

I’ve tried I physically can’t do it. I can shout but not scream.

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All those races are standard in game, very typical to ask to have more of what’s in the lore. There is a very clear difference between asking for RL stuff to be added to the game and more on the lore that’s already in the WoW universe.