I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

And we can wait an eternity to have THIS THREAD 404’d.

That is what I was saying …

“Everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others.” - George Orwell

It wont its part of the message

Interesting, can you quote the scripture for that?

Sure Matthew 5:17 “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.” or if the KJV is not your Bible of choice
“Don’t misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to accomplish their purpose.”


Thanks, that is educational to me.

More fuel to why I left Christianity.

However …

Matthew 10:34-39 (some assumed this translation, which I know to be wrong, but)
“Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I came to SET A MAN AGAINST HIS FATHER, AND A DAUGHTER AGAINST HER MOTHER, AND A DAUGHTER-IN-LAW AGAINST HER MOTHER-IN-LAW; and A MAN’S ENEMIES WILL BE THE MEMBERS OF HIS HOUSEHOLD. “He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it.

No problem cherrypicking happens on both sides people using parts of the Bible to say Jesus was this ancient super hippy or that he was an ultra conservative. Best to read the books yourself if you care about it.

Even my school focused on the “good” parts and didn’t even want us reading the Old Testament.

CAN be caused by fear but not always, hate and prejudcie can be caused by various things such as beleif, experiances, misunderstandings etc… list goes on.

And my whole point was adressing the homophobic comment posted above of

Implying 1) being gay ins’t natural… which it is. and 2) reinforcing the rediculous argument I’ve heard way too many times of “I’m not homophobic, I don’t fear gay people I just don’t like them”.

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They’re also being unnecessarily reductive. They’re ignoring the “or prejudice against” part of that definition…

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incoherent to the one that suits him, like you for example, but there are some that do not come out of there, it is like the movies everything happens in the USA and nothing else, especially if it is about Miachel Bay.

I basically agree with you. Both fear and gender attraction are natural. Question is, what other possible reason would there be for anyone to fear gay people?

Straight people have ZERO reason to fear gay people. It’s like people with green eyes fearing people with blue eyes, there’s no reason at all. No gay people are trying to discriminate against straights and if they did it would go nowhere.

So who is afraid of gays? Only group I can think of is people deep in the closet who hear the rattling of the closet door. Fear that it will open. Envy for those who did mange to go out into the light.

But maybe there are other groups I just haven’t thought about. If there are I’d be happy to hear about them.

Yea that’s wrong.
This guy is literally the youtube-verified Jesus and he does attend pride parade.

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Ah damn you got me youtube verified Jesus is obviously the scripter Jesus

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I mean it does feels like something Jesus would do. When is the last time Jesus said no to anyone? Do note that im talking about Jesus here, not the bible writer.

Well all we have to base what Jesus would do is off the writings in various scripter so we can’t say for sure what actual in the flesh Jesus would do.

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Oh yes we can…

He’d be super pissed at how screwed up we made the planet, and he’d be appalled how we treat each other.

His 3 arch commandments were

  1. Love your God with all your heart mind and soul
  2. Love they neighbor as yourself
    3)Love thine enemy

See a pattern here? Sometimes I’m failing to see love on both sides.

Perhaps if we are going to bring Jesus into this, we need to remember what he actually meant.

He really ‘turns the other cheek’ eh? Get it…?

I can agree with the fact Jesus would be appalled at how we treat each other and I would assume he would be rather upset over our petty arguments regarding his teachings.

I was just asked for the scripter in regards to Jesus not wanting to do away with the old laws/teachings and provided it.

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the problem with this is, people feeling that world of warcraft, as a unrealistic breakaway from reality being an unneccesary environment for these real world things are being labeled as straight up “haters”. No its just they dont feel this is a suitable place. There is not a shred of reality in wow, not even the “holidays”, which while happening at the right times of years, are actual clones of real world holidays. Sure they might be based on real world events but theres no “Santa” theres no “Jesus” in the game theres no whatever any other the other lesser holidays are supposed to be stand ins for, nothing its all made up stand ins for “holidays”.

Aside from humans and some animals, everything in wow is pure make belief, fantasy and utterly removed from reality. Why then should there be specific in-game additions added for 1 small subset of the entire real-world global population. What sets them so special? What makes them so above and beyond? And what possibly makes asking such questions directly equal to “HATE”?

Such thought reeks of “hate” in its own right? “hate” for everyone who doesnt just flop to the floor the instant someone says “i love same gender ppl”. I dont “hate” I just dont see why that group is anything above and beyond the rest of the earth in terms of allocating developer (hu)man-hours. Treat them equal as humans for sure. Setting them on a pedestal specifically in WoW as “special”, why?


Is it… I think more accurately it’s a perversion of a natural instinct to find a partner to breed with. I don’t see anything wrong with it, but are bodies are not designed to be gay. There is a clear and obvious function to them. Clear and obvious functions are natural. What purpose does it serve to be gay? Or anything LGBTQ?

As humans we are capable of not only being rational but doing the opposite, go against our instincts to become something else, to do something else. It’s fascinating, and I’m all for exploring those boundaries. But there is also nothing wrong with admitting that’s what you’re doing.

This push to redefine humanity to stand on a pedestal of " normal " seems counter productive in my opinion. I would think people would be more proud of there ability to go against the grain, in a matter of speaking. Stand up and own it!

Not at all, you are just responding to someone that ignored that part. It’s okay, I get it, it is the WoW forum after all, trying to control the narrative/cherry picking is standard. I imagine if anyone responds to this they will just pull stuff out of context to fit whatever argument they want to make.