I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

That’s what I mentioned even with this video from the previous post, the problem is how do you want to represent it? Because in the end they only care about representation, they are condemning them to only issue an absurd nonsensical tokenism, a failed mistake that happened with Pelagos in Shadowlands when they formed him as a nonsensical queer and represented him only for his coronation.

something that, as I said in the case of Perrito in Puss N’ Boots the Last wish, whose cast is an LGBT actor, has done well without the need to embarrass that representation, but to give him a better character that I would even wish they would make a comic duo with Donkey from Shrek.

There is the problem that these people are so many trolls that they demand this from Blizzard through the forums so that later the cringe and disappointment is seen at the final hour within the video game in its lore.

nowadays it is easy for any kind of crap to be invented, like his Martin Scorsese film about Jesus, or the flat earthers and their belief that the Earth is flat.

Now easier to find any believer looking to believe in a potato.

As well, there are simply people who make their own ignorance and arrogant hypocrisy relevant and famous again.

until I say Disney tells you: don’t believe in it, it really is disappointing how in a country that is full of belief it came to prohibit many of those beliefs.

As in the case that they now eliminate everything that Tolkien was inspired to be his works through the Christian faith.


Limit is more like it. As belief creates a lot of conflict it’s wise we keep them under some sort of control. Keep it in your church not in schools, etc., etc. Some of the beliefs in this thread may very well end up with similar limits. Once the pendulum swings back.

Don’t worry, it’s a shame that your tiny world called the USA is limited to other countries where its belief remains firm.

Which is a problem when it comes to getting far from the USA, it should be like Japan that many video games, manga, movies and animes or any other source of entertainment stayed in that country and not only because of censorship and lack of distribution.

One thing would be tolerable as long as it is not from characters of ancient times that keep their beliefs as a source of inspiration, a reason to fight, A PURPOSE, another thing is that they prohibit everyone from the belief that they have.

So don’t look for an excuse from the schools, and don’t put the children in your disgusting troubles.

No idea what your going on about.

I’m sure it seemed very bright to you, but it reads like gibberish.

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yep… That means you live in a small world, enjoy yourself in your little bubble.


We want Wranduin!


Isn’t it kinda ironic that me, an atheist know more about Jesus than you do?

Jesus has always been the “tolerate everything” kind of guy.

People who think they know everything are usually the most ignorant.


I want less exploitation,. If it was the 70s you know blizz would be doing black exploitation…

Jesus flipped a table and whipped people and you say he was a tolerate everything kind of guy?

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New characters, perhaps, but I suspect we’d see a lot of the same battletags.

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I believe I’ve found a case for a new category when flagging a post:

  • It’s incoherent

This is completely untrue.

You know absolutely nothing about what you’re saying. Jesus spoke of hell more than anyone else in the bible so please stop saying stupid things you know nothing about.

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That’s the point. The hate/prejudice IS caused by fear. Think about it, straight people have no fear at all of gay people. We know who we are and what we want. No one is telling us we can’t have houses, jobs, marriage, kids, etc because we are straight.

So who is afraid of gays? Well it’s those people who hear the rattling of the closet door but for some reason are terrified of opening it and coming out.

I can see where they are coming from. Jesus is New Testament, I see less anti-gay scripture there. Old Testament (Leviticus) is very specific on anti-gay.

People will pick whatever scripture supports their agenda.
New Testament: Turn the other cheek
Old Testament: Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.

Snake handlers quote: Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.


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No sir.

I know the bible very well and there is no irony in my statement.

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To be fair, the documents are loaded with so many contradictions and nonsense it’d be hard to take it seriously if you didn’t cherry pick.

That certainly isn’t a good thing though.

The word CIS offends me please don’t use it.


To be fair Jesus said he didn’t come to abolish the law set out in Leviticus/Deuteronomy or the teachings of the prophets but to fulfill them. So Jesus seemed to be onboard with Leviticus