I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

The ironic part is in the LGBTQ lounge if you put someone on ignore, everything is hidden from then and there isn’t even a drop down option.

I think the other lounge threads are like that too.

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I’m just here to tell Blizzard this is what I want. None at all.

I don’t know but I sure love my LG TV plus OLED


LG TVs are good tvs.


Oooo what are you getting? I’m getting the itch for more (it’s been like 10 years…) but I’m always so indecisive!

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And a cat is a feline creature yet a catapillar is not… just because it has ‘phobia’ in the name dosen’t alwys mean it’s a fear. Here let me help you out by quoting the oxford dictionary definition.



/ˌhəʊməˈfəʊbiə/, /ˌhɒməˈfəʊbiə/


[uncountable] (disapproving)

  1. ​dislike or unfair treatment of gay people

Got my sleeve finished! :slight_smile: antlers, stats, flowers, etc.


/end thread


Love the LG TV’s. Had one that I bought second hand that sort of worked… Well, the TV did anyways. The remote had a few broken buttons.


Very nice! :hugs:

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Why does everything have to be “inclusive” to every race, gender, orientation and class nowadays? Just play the game and enjoy it. This is feeding a bigger problem. Stop trying to change everything you come across so that people have to bend over for you and serve you sympathy just because you don’t feel important. I’m sure this will get flagged because its not politically correct and blizzards all about that now


Probably because people want to relate to things. A little newsflash if you didn’t know, blood elves and humans are the most popular races in the game for a reason, they are relatable and look similar to us.



an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

It can be both, it is both.

I understand many like to use it as an insult like calling someone a racist whether they are or not. The assumption it’s always related to hate is just your own reflection of your own fears, or phobia’s.

This post was written by ONE person.
Do you usually just lump an entire group over the views of one person?
How do you even know if OP is sincere and not a troll hoping to get haters to post? We sure have seen aLOT of that.


You took this a bit far but you started out on a good point.

Being treated as normal is a legit request. Redefining what a man or woman is, is going to far. Cis is unnecessary, we already have a proper descriptive word. If you feel the need to have one for yourself, go for it, but you have no right to redefine me or anyone else.


As Starla said,

One person =/= the LGBTQ community.

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You sounds like a cis person.
Are you cis male?

Phobia is fear, Homopbhobia is hate/prejudice.
Again… having phobia in the word does not mean it has the same meaning.

Like Hydrophobic materials are not quivering in fear of water… It just means they repel water and don’t get wet.

You’re argument is like me quoting the definition of ‘cat’ and saying “See, a caterpillar is a cat!”

Homophobia has nothing to do with fear. It means hate/predjudice and maybe fear could be a cause for hate, but most often not.

Ok, you genuinly seem to be trying to udnerstand an opposing view so I’m going to treat you with as much respect and patiance here as I can.

First off Gender is the asumed persona of a person or item, it can be changed it can be fluid it can be static, it’s more of a concept and a societal construct, a good example being the titanic, it’s a ship it has no biology we as a society decided ships are female. We also as a society decided that generaly people born of male sex are men and female sex are women but that’s not always the case, something I’ll get into later.

Sex is the biological coding that you are born with, it’s hard coded into you and it can’t change, unfortunatly.

Gender = persona/social construct.
Sex = Biology/genetics.

I most cases, sex and gender are alligned, like me I was born male and I am a man.
But sometimes they are different. A few examples…

Britney Spears - Gender = Female, Sex = Female
Henry Cavil - Gender = Male, Sex = Male
The titanic - Gender = Female, Sex = none
Jaina Proudmoor - Gender = Female, Sex = none (she’s game character has no biology)
Transgender Man - Gender = Male, Sex = female (He was born in the wrong body)

Now A lot of gender identity politics are taking things way too far, even I can see this. And we are seeing a lot of people identifying as whatever they feel like at the moment for attention seeking, but there are geniuine people with gender dysphoria who were born in a body they outright feel uncomfortable living in and just want to transition to the gender they are. And it’s those people who are being damaged most by all the attention seeking fakers that paint them all with the same brush.

Nothing in life is ever simple however, and the best approach is always to judge individuals individually and for who they are, not what they are.

Homophobia hasn’t been redefined though, it’s always meant predjudice and hate… I don’t know why they picked ‘phoboa’ as part of the word but that was never it’s meaning, nothing is being redifined here.
But that said. ‘gay’ actually means ‘happy’ in a traditional sense but the word got redifined a long time ago and noone is crying about that… one of many examples. languages evolve.

No no… Hydrophobic materials… it means water-resistant polymers, materials that don’t get wet and water will just roll off it without ever being absorbed, like wax.

Fully agree on that matter, and it’s an issue with both sides not just one. where people just lable eachother and weaponize that lable to avoid listening to their actual points. It’s not productive.

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Even if every character in the game was trans or gay or any of the other 47 new identities out there, it still wouldn’t be enough.

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