I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

Consider it a badge of honor! The funny part is when he doesn’t reply but you know he’s still responding to you just making it more vague. Rent free.

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It’s amusing how often he claims to block people yet never stops responding to them. I wonder which of us he’s responding to right now…


one hilarious thing about this forum is…yet again…I post a LOOOONG response to someone concerning some larger concept…and some try hard picks out ONE little detail and runs with it in a vain effort to get a ‘win’, lmao.

Even the Dictionary argues against them. common sense itself should tell them they are wrong.
Yet for some reason they just cant help themselves, as someone in a now deleted thread did this morning…but force me to start posting actual sources, not my feelings, that proves them wrong.
And every time, instead of just acknowledging they were in error and being mature about it, they’ll troll for hours and even start alt hopping trying to get attention.

Reality is what it is. Time to learn to deal with it.
Words are WORDS. Hot air. Sound.

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Probably a response to you. Maybe both of us. I wonder if he’s parodying, because nobody really considers being ignored by the stupidest person on the planet an insult

This is a moronic assertion lol.


I wonder what the forums look like to him at this point. Must just be his posts sprinkled in amongst a lot of ‘this poster is being ignored’ notifications. Makes you wonder why he even bothers anymore.


and I want topics that to be hidden from my front page when the person who made it is currently on my block list. But we cant get everything we want unfortunately.

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Why it’s obvious, he can’t resist and reads them all. This is why I’m curious if he is parodying someone can’t really be that unaware.

The simple reaction to seeing a thread from someone you’re ignoring is to, well… ignore it.

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Noooo! That takes self control.

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I wish the admins would set this forum up like I do the ones I administrate.
There is no alt hopping. You have ONE posting persona.
If you block that member you cant see their threads they create, you cant see “post hidden” like Im seeing in here multiple times after blocking another one. You dont see notifications and in the case of my forums, they cant contact you thru the private message system.

Blocked should mean BLOCKED…not 'hey, i’ll troll on an alt cuz I NEEEDZ attenshun today" lol
Block the ENTIRE Bnet account…not just the posting character.

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And this from the guy who opposes this forum being aligned with the rest of Blizzard’s forums, where all posts are linked to a battletag rather than individual characters.

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wait for real? ok this guy has to be trolling. I can’t believe it.

You know that is a good point.

If you’re on mobile, it doesn’t display the name before clicking it so you click it then it says “hidden content” and it’s like grrrr if I had known that I wouldn’t have clicked on it.

Beef and Wellington would like to have a word with you.

They blocked me and then responded to me a few times. Not in direct reply to me but about me, our debate, and whoever saw it. Usually praising the responses like, “For those who are educated…” or, “For those who can read…”

Most likely they don’t like conflicting opinions but still want to spew their ideas unfiltered.

I’m just reading this thread getting tattooed to pass the time and it’s still a trip.

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What kind of tattoo are you getting? :smiley_cat:


Honestly, I don’t really see any problem with any LGBTQ representation being with anyone. The only people who seem to have a problem are the ones who act like religion is right about everything, and the ones who want more are the ones who are asking for the whole cake instead of a slice.

It’s not a religious issue for me, I don’t want rainbows in Org. Blood Elves are bad enough. I am sick of the pandering. Let’s add XYZ which has no relevance to the story so we can get gay points and obtain more sales.

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Your bigot is showing, LGBTQ characters in world of warcraft have never been associated with rainbows.

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yeah…they need to work out the kinks on this forum for those who have blocked a troll.
They want us to behave in here, then I keep getting notifications for BLOCKED posts anyway. lmao.
if I chose to block someone that means I no longer want to know if they are responding AT ALL.
Been a few times where its showed me entire posts before changing it to hidden as the page is loading, lol.
They should never have changed forum software. This one sucks.

:thinking:Wait :upside_down_face:Arent 2 & 3 the same group? :wink::rofl::v:t5: