I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

Yeah… Thomas and Miguel could’ve been Thomas and Michelle, I still would skip it as the initial text of the couples quest is just… Dear lord why? It’s so over the top it is absurd.

I do concur most of this “Representation” feels like check-box tokenism. The dragonspawn ecologist couple were what I ran into first, they seemed perfectly fine. Then I ran into the two mentioned above and I went… Wat.

Also holy crap is the new “Majordomo” insufferable and I hope that character does a heroic “LOOK OUT SIR!” sacrifice for Alexstrasza. Just comes across as snide and condescending all the time.


with any luck they’ll run out of people to argue with lol

Lies. He just needs the drama he thinks he generates by telling people he’s blocking them. He’ll never not announce it.

I rest my case.


I’m going to try to post a link to some more information on this matter and hope it works. (I had to take out some of it, but you can still look it up)
splcenter org fighting-hate intelligence-report/2010/18-anti-gay-groups-and-their-propaganda

This is too good to be true. That person blocks every individual who has a slightly different opinion than them. It has to be a running gag at this point because I refuse to believe that they’re being serious.


i can confirm this is true


While you’re at it, can you block yourself from the forums for the trolling. The troll is showing right through you.


Isn’t this in and of itself a warning?

It’s all that ‘alpha-male’ posturing, must be confusing to keep it up.

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As Ive alluded to, if not stated expressly, THEY Are making a MuCH bigger deal of this than it is.
There are a handful of preacher wannabes who DONT know what the Bible actually teaches…and Ive crossed the sort for decades now…who preach crap that ISNT representative of what the BIBLE actually says…which ive laid out half a dozen times in this thread at least.

Ive been around church going sorts my entire life. Crossed thousands of them of every possible denominational view. NONE of them were gay bashers. Not one that I ever talked to.
In fact, if a gay were in need, theyd be the first person in line to have offered help…yes even over some of our atheist friends.

A few in this thread do what they claim to hate…judge a whole group unjustly over some extremists to try to push some hyperbolic garbage agenda

A ten minute drive from you and youve never heard it?
Doesnt that sound a bit as if some in here are making things FAR worse than they actually are?
If it was as bad as the agenda says, shouldnt you have seen it up close and personal given how close you say it is by now?

They need their hyperbolic garbage to feel better about their hate.

Of course theyre doing it for points. They feel pressed to put it in there.
If they WANTED to do it all this time it would have been in there already.
Morrowind YEARS ago had a gay character and yeah, I did see some commentary on it from all sides, but it was in there.
WoW would have been adding some LGBT content in from very early on IF they actually had wanted to.
WAsnt there a single gay or lesbian or trans working for Blizzard back then who could / would have suggested that they put something in? A writer maybe who thought some little LGBT quests/story would fit in ?
I cant believe that this company had NO gays back then. so why is this just now becoming a thing…and an issue?

Gays are part of this world. They should have been part of the game world from the start.

I want a million dollars!!!


Same, but make it 10 million, and a personal Chippendales dancer

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by the time the taxman takes his share that’ll be about a buck fiddy left for a coffee, lol.

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I never got to call my grandfather. He died when my mother was a teenager.

I am told we would’ve gotten along famously.

He was also an Aquarius. He was a Master Mason, started his own business from nothing, built a large house (still standing) with his own two hands, and he was allegedly something of a philosopher. My mother tells me often that he would be proud of the man I have become. I can’t know for sure, but I have always had it in my mind that he and I would’ve had a close bond based on ideology and sense of mystery more than blood.

My grandmother was lost without him, and that’s the only way I ever knew her. When he was alive, the world had vibrance and possibility. But when he died, my grandma’s existence turned bleak and grey, and she ended up attaching herself to my fascist, bigoted, evangelical aunt who controlled every aspect of the last twenty years of my grandmother’s life.

Now that all three of them are dead, I can’t help but imagine my grandparents torturing my aunt’s soul in the afterlife.

You bring up a good question though. I wonder what I would’ve called him?

I called my grandma by her first name because I didn’t really have much affection for her. Authoritarianism takes away all my positive feelings about a person.

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Literally every lgbt representation is checkbox and shoving it into your throat for you at this point.

I’m surprised you didn’t add all the titles you want to see in game yet.

Can I have half of it in 1s please?

I need it in ones for… reasons.

I like the none of your freaking business checkbox, or the " other " option. Who want’s to be put in a category?

I never got to meet either of my real grandfathers either. Fortunately I had two step-grandfathers that were nice folks.


That’s my sign too!


Ooooo… that’s cool.


Wow! It always fascinates me how people build things. I suppose the bulk of my fascination stems from the fact I can’t build a thing and have a very limited skill set. :sweat_smile:


I have no doubt that he very much is, and what a sweet mom you must have to tell you things like this. Give Mama Shreds our best.


If/when you have grandchildren, how do you imagine you may prefer them to address you? May I suggest Grandfather Shreddums?

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