I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

Oh no. Life, the Universe, and Everything? Phfbt. Had those pegged for a while now. Really there’s only a couple of things that I’m compulsively curious about: What exactly happens to us when we die? and Are we as humans alone in the Universe?

“Life changes.”

“No. Don’t ask how I know, but I do.”

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Cry about it all you want my friend I know the truth is scary.

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and now Ive got yet another trolling stalker.

Hey admins…any way you can make it so we cant even see ANY indication of responses for those we’ve had to block?

LOL! Putting it mildly.

You walked into your kitchen at 4 in the morning and one of the greys was trying to figure out how to use your coffee machine? :wink:


Unfortunately you aren’t entitled to an echo chamber, so that’s probably not going to happen. Good luck with that though!


“Close. But it wasn’t my kitchen, it was a big field where a party was going on, and it wasn’t the coffee maker, it was the car.”

“Oh, and there was only two of them.”

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and while your at it…I change my vote…do the Bnet thing so ALL of their alts are blocked as well.
Others were asking it, Ive been against it, but to hades with it. This forum is overrun with baiting, trolling sorts so bring it on.

By trolling you mean people that run holes through your bad arguments? Very curious stuff.


Okay. Yeah. Something like that would definitely pique my interest.

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“I am inclined to believe more in life on other planets, than I am to believe in ghosts. How about you?”

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I’d like quests that aren’t just about some couple though.

eh…it ads an unimportant flavor to the world. Makes it seem more real when trivial details exist like IRL.
My neighbor is disabled so I tell her to set her trash outside her door and I’ll take it out for her. A little daily ‘quest’, if you will.
Not going write home about it, but just some little detail that fills out my life.
I like this kind of irrelevance in video games like this.

I normally avoid these threads, but this right here. It’s not who/what composes the couple, it’s the fact the couples quests are uninteresting, and often written so horribly they are cringe-inducing. I avoid them now, even when I am scraping the barrel for every last drop of rep for rep-grinds.

I do have a story for you. It’s my only real answer so take it for what it’s worth.

I was in my mid thirties and I was over at my best friend’s house. They lived in a small rental house. The kitchen was just off of the main room. He, his wife, and I were sitting in the main room watching TV. The light suddenly went on in the kitchen, the freezer door to the refrigerator opened and then closed. Then the light went off again.

I turned to my friend and said “Hey!” “Hm?” (I point at the kitchen) “What the **** was that?” “Oh. We have a ghost.”

We talked about it for a few minutes. I got up and looked at the refrigerator door and the light switch. I didn’t see anything that would allow them to be remotely manipulated.


“I actually believe that can be done by Aliens. They can play with our gadgets and stuff, and they can camouflage to appear invisible. I also believe they have the power to transport through walls.”

Yeah. I don’t know? I realize it’s just some “Spooky Woo” story, but I didn’t see a ghost? Neither did I see an alien. So… to me it was more of a poltergeist kind of thing I guess you could say. Anything could have been responsible I suppose.

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“So very true. At least you are not viewing it with blinders on. You are willing to accept the possibility.”

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Sometimes they are interesting or funny but there’s been like 3 quests so far from gay couples and I do NOT trust Blizzard to not be doing it just for SJW points…

Oof. That’s a ten minute drive from me. Lol.

And I’ve never heard a thing about it prior to this thread.