I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

You really have to be very defensive to come to that wrong conclusion.

Because its clearly trolling and every other lgbt post gets deleted / poster banned. So add this one too

Explain? I’m confused what you mean.

Turban and burka transmogs as well. Wow is cot culturally balanced

“I have a Turban. I am still looking for the Burka.”

I understand. It can be hard to see the positive things when there are so many agencies and circumstances that seem to want to either hide or hoard them out of sight. But they are there, and some of them cannot be hidden or hoarded, provided you know where to look.

I think what you’re referring to as Chaos is broken order. True chaos is an absolutely frightening thing. To give you an idea what I’m referring to, in the first few of what we would call millionths of a second after the Big Bang there wasn’t even what we would call recognizable space or time just the roiling chaos of exploding energy where there had been the perfect order of a singularity. Some 13.7 Billion years later we have enough “Order” to frame a reality within which to live, for as long as it lasts. Eventually that order will shift and change and we’ll either adapt or die out. That opportunity is the Universe’s gift to us: A small area and time where we can stand and marvel.

As Mark Twain would say “You pays your money, you takes your chances”. We’re invested when we’re birthed into the world. It’s our responsibility to grow and experience and journey through life so we can pass on what we’ve seen to those who come after us.

In the most deterministic sense, perhaps. But consider that all it takes to throw things off track is a single photon being absorbed by an electron. Changing its orbital phase and its relationship with everything around it. I think we’re too young as a sentient species to presume that we have all the answers or know anything for certain. Indeed, most of us can’t answer two very basic questions: Who We Are and What We Want.

Are there wrong choices? Or simply choices that create challenges?

Information relating to the material world isn’t something the “soul” is concerned with? Just the quality of having mastered certain circumstances to the point of not being moved to a state of grief by them? Or at least that would be my guess based on the presumption of reincarnation.

No problem. Though the subject is an interesting one. So hopefully you’ll forgive my speculation.

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Phobia’s are a fear, are they not?

That’s true. But that fear has unfortunately been bred.

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Grooming is very common with all humans. What would we be without it?

“I can…”

“Scribe Ergo Sum Ego”
(“I Write Therefore I Am”)
‘By Me’

"Actors and Actress, this be your ache, to display the truth and envision their Fate. For we are the voices that enlighten the soul to all of the falsehoods that endanger the whole. I am your writer. I am your dream. My power unfolds all that would seem a myth. Within their reason I hold no rhyme, yet without season I am in time. You give me emotion, I give you words. They give me reality, I give them absurds. I have a friend who whispers to me all of the secretes the Gods cannot see. All of the wonders that baffle their minds. All of the answers that they cannot find.

They say we are fiction, I know we are fact. We play out a fantasy to which they react. They shout as they call us feeble and mad, while all the time they know in their minds that they have been had. For we see beyond their wild twisted minds, and tear at their souls with our wild twisted rhymes. They refuse to accept the truth that is theirs, they would rather hang it on our burdened heads. Instead of repenting their sins as they should, they hide behind their too righteous hoods, and say that we have infected their minds.

They long to imprison my sanity, and lock it in their hearts. They dare to say they understand me. They cannot even start to understand the pain that is truth, nor that which is false. For they prey upon the reality that is our art, and strive to disrupt that, that would be their untimely downfall. For what they cannot understand they will seek to destroy. What they cannot control fills them with fear, and the truth cannot be controlled by lies. All that holds life together is born of symbiotic ties, and they refuse to admit that we are an important link in their giant chain of life. Strife is ours to bear, they say. We would be slaves if they had their way. Yet they grow more empty, as days fold into weeks, and weeks into months, and months into years. Their souls are flooded with embittered tears, that they cannot shed, for the fear that their equals will think them weak. So we wait.

We wait, until their mighty mountains crumble into their molten sea of trickery. We wait, until God’s fiery sword of truth washes away their falsehoods from our world. Then we will begin to rebuild a life with the stones of truth and the waters of unity, and in this world born of light we will begin anew. We will dream our own dreams, and think our own thoughts, and bring forth our own creations, without the fear of retaliation from minds twisted, and decayed, by leprous hate. Once again rainbows will light up the sky, and flowers will sing, and horses will fly. Again elves will dance where children can see, and fairies will again play happy and free. The world will be rich with thoughts that should be, and heaven will cherish writers like me."

“I am an Artist. Have been most of my life. Started sewing at the age of 5, and it just grew from there.”


I aspire.

I must know.

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“Must know what?”

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“About me? Or just everything in general?”

Pretty much anything I guess. The more mysterious, cryptic, or wierd? The more I want to know about it.

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“Ah! So, Life, The Universe, and Everything. Same here.”

that’s very nice but this is an american forum where the majority of US is Christian. Passing blame to another religion is simply whataboutism.

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DODGING to try to make a NON point is worse.
Imma perma block you just for irritating me and trolling me with a garbage post

Go ahead

Galatians 4:16


just a note…
If you cant READ the EXCHANGE and feel to cherry pick ONE of my posts…ONE WORD of my posts…from here on out Im just blocking the trolling without warning.
Getting VERY sick of some in here who cant READ the ENTIRE thing before trolling with some edgy cringe response that shows ZERO coherence / comprehension of the ENTIRE issue here.