I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

Why is this post still up?

I feel like I should point a few things out, just out of an abundance of empathy. First, you DO realize this entire thread is one bad faith proposition designed to get people like yourself suspended from the forums correct?

If you get past that, it may have occurred to you that those who seem to be favored by the CM’s are not sympathetic to either principled or faith based arguments? In point of fact they interpret those as evidence that you are some form of “ist” or “phobe”?

Lastly, Sir, I happen to consider myself a Jungian Pantheist though I had a Christian upbringing. As far as “Supreme Beings” go, I consider them and any offered “reward” absolutely irrelevant as to whether I should do the right thing. I consider reality itself and the aesthetic of beauty and order that comes from appreciating it to be the highest aspect of divinity that we, as human beings, are capable of dealing with. Would I qualify for entry into your Christian “heaven” if indeed it exists? Or would some cosmic judge condemn me to an afterlife of suffering for keeping my own council on morality? Would this deity see the irony and humor in my ethical choice? And more to the point, do you?

Someone, Im sure. Not me. Im not breaking any rules

the only issue here that was relevant is what does the BIBLE SAY a ‘christian’ is.
There is no faith in god required to be able to READ, my friend. That some here CANT or WONT…or are too stubborn to accept what the bible DOES say in the matter isnt my problem.
Even an atheist can READ, I assume.
The bible is VERY clear in what it says a christian is and has to be…all else are FAKE believers…as proven by the text itself

In point of fact they interpret those as evidence that you are some form of “ist” or “phobe”?

good luck proving their case in that joke. lmao.
I know what the bible says. Iposted it. Im not called to judge LGBT…Im only called to live in peace with all men in as far as I am able.

Was I not clear enough son?
I dont make the rules
I am not permitted to judge in that matter.
You know how to READ, I assume?
Go READ for yourself and see if you find that you qualify or not.

I do find it quite hypocritical that you inform me as to what you believe you think the OP is doing here…then you yourself try to trap me with this joke.
poor form, chap…poor form.

If the emoji :clown_face: was ever more appropriate, it would be for the comment above.

Hey boo! How you doing?


Eggs and bacon.

Then i fell asleep again.


At least fear is natural

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I don’t consider myself necessarily an atheist. But even still, I really don’t have a high opinion on divine providence and whatever architect, if any, resides over existence.

If you fill a 10 gallon bucket with a handful of starving rats, and watch as they each fight each other vying for ever scarce territory, or watch as they eat each other, it’s not the rats fault for the horrors that transpire.

Whoever, or whatever, serves as the architect for that example, is responsible for whatever happens.

I’m tired, bored now an then but been mog hunting lately.

How are things with you?

Darn I was gonna make a joke, but got nothing.

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If you want to get really technical, the only issue here is that this has nothing to do with the topic of the thread. The Bible’s definition of a Christian holds about the same amount of relevance as the taxonomy of the Mediterranean Fruit Fly.

Um. I’m not kidding?


I feel I should state that my usage of “sir” was to convey a desire for amicable discussion, which appears to have escaped you; not that I was your junior in age.

You were just doing that exact thing? If only a certain group are “True” Christians, does it not stand to reason that only they are eligible for entry into the Christian Heaven? If not, then what difference does it make?

You are aware that you’re coming across as awfully snide for a “compassionate Christian”? Sure. I can read. I’ve read the Bible cover to cover in at least 2 or 3 different versions (KJ, NIV, original greek NT), I asked what YOU thought.

Mine was an honest and earnest question. I’m not out to entrap anyone. Nor am I inclined to run to the CM’s to have you suspended. I’m content to frame my position as honestly as I can and let others form their own opinion of me. I think that’s the best form anyone can aspire to.


Perhaps. But a person has more agency than a rat. A person is responsible for his choices. A person realizes that whatever the situation, reacting with violence and aggression makes any form of spiritual ascension that much more difficult, whatever form it takes.

CLEARLY YOU aint paid attention to the DIALOGUE here…so I guess now is the time to toss you on the ignore list?

I’ll read a bit more and see…but I AINT wasting MY time with someone who is arguing with himself and no one else.

Again…CLEARLY you AINT BEEN READING the thread…or you wouldnt have missed what I posted like half a dozen times…lmao

“but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven”
clear enough for you?
THAT DEFINES what a ‘christian’ is…NOTHING else does

do you think I care?
I know when Im being baited.
Youre about 2 seconds from the ignore list.

Of course you did…BAIT. lmao.
I spect I got to repeat myself for you?

I think we are done here.
youre actually worse than the OP.
Only hes a lot better at disguising his bait. lmao

no…it wasnt. Ive been dealing with your kind who likes to argue for arguments sake for 40 years. lmao.
Youre not quit as good with this as you give yourself credit for, sorry to say.

Im gonna have to just call this one what it is…a flat out lie.
IF you HAD read the bible youd already KNOW if you ‘qualify’ or not.
You wouldnt NEED to ask me.
And if you HAD read it and did know if you qualify, then it just proves that your question IS bait.
IF you HAD read it youd KNOW that it doesnt ALLOW believers to make that judgment, lmao…

every word youve posted reeks of bait a dishonesty so far.

I’m sorry you feel that way. I have one verse for you and then I’ll simply leave you in peace.
Matthew 7:1

you all seeing this?
He gives me "judge not lest you be judged’…while demanding that I JUDGE his position with God. lmao.

yeah…your ‘study’ of scripture is more like a guy I know who has a list of singular, out of context verses that makes him think he is studied…and he is anything but.

so you mention Matthew 7:1…how about moving down to Matthew 7:6.

Likewise, a diety has more agency than a person. The minute you apply the same rules, the same standards we impose on ourselves to some of the more abstract concepts of divinity, the morality collapses in on itself. Gods are cruel. Uncaring, apathetic, and malevolent.

It takes a lot of blind arrogance to believe that anyone can come to a different conclusion than they once they’ve studied the bible.

I think that’s a bitter, reductive way of seeing things. The Universe has to have rules or else all is Chaos and yet the second those rules come into being you’ve created the bucket for the poor rats. And yet, the Universe itself is opportunity for those that live within it. An opportunity to be manifest as discreet individuals, to interact, to grow and learn and experience, and to try and leave things and people just a little bit better than we found them.

That’s all we can really hope for.

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Why not?

It is. Your words sting but imagine convincing yourself that it is no less true in spite of its reductive quality. I wish I didn’t think in these terms but I do.

I’ll admit, I don’t know much about chaos. But if you think about it conceptually, chaos is an inversion of order. There is order in chaos in that it is the direct inverse relationship. It’s like atonal music. It might not sound as pretty as the western diotonc music we’ve grown acostomed to, but it is no less ordered.

I sometimes think, though, why even bother living in this weird sort of incomplete state? Why bother to go through all these trials and tribulations all to experience what it’s like to hurt and to suffer, or to fall in love and build positive relationships. I guess what I don’t understand is, why it is not wholly necessary to have one without the other? Is that not more reductive?

I suppose it would be meaningful to grow and change if you believe that free will was not just a mere illusion. But in a macro sense, it really is just that. How much agency can you place on the individual if the architect created an environment that allowed you to run astray, to go down a path making all the wrong choices, when you have the agency to press a button and just erase that possibility.

If reincarnation exists, why then are our memories wiped after each iteration, to have a new brain with a new family in a new life if not to feed the sadistic nature of a nihilistic void?

I’m not asking you, just thinking out loud rhetorically.

For the record…THIS was the post I originally responded to way back when.
THIS is the one that brought religion into this discussion.

I find it very hypocritical for someone to have come into this thread, BYPASS all that CONTEXT and then start cherry picking little details of my posts OUT of the context they were made in.

This poster makes it sound like all christians hate and attack gays BECAUSE of their religion.
Objectively FALSE, as I have proven in this thread.

  1. BIBLICAL Christians are called to be AT PEACE WITH ALL MEN (Romans 12:18)
  2. those who DISOBEY the above ARENT obeying Gods will.
  3. Christ said that MANY will believe they are His and will be told to depart, He never knew them. (Mathew 7:23)

If you are going to come into a thread 900 posts late, try harder to READ and know whats going on BEFORE chattering at someone in an vain effort to entrap/bait them.

One thing that hasnt ever ceased to amaze me in nigh on 40 years of study is just how educated the UNSTUDIED of the Bible actually think they are.
Seems like the less they have studied, the more they THINK they know.