I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

Soon people shall be worked to death in the Glitter Mines


so…no storylines then. just kill stuff?

theres a difference between story line then just randomly helping some guy you met get married.

Right…the activists who latch on to a cause and turn it into personal agendas.
They ruin society for all of us

That trip I made yesterday…and the walk in the park the day before…it all adds up to a story being told.
you dont like the small details? stop reading the quest text box.

didn’t know helping a random centaur asking a dryad out is story related…
or how helping a succubus with a certain “Dwarf” in the grim guzzler is story related…

Ah, I remember that. I fell head over heels with this version <3

I sure don’t. Did you forget that the rainbow toy got added to the game for that very reason? Stop trying to shove your crap on the rest of the world. I don’t shove my sexuality at you, you shouldn’t shove yours at me. Keep it in your pants.

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can we close this troll thread


Didnt know that a short walk in the park was a detail in the story of my life.
Not gonna do this with you guy.
LGBT IS part of the real world so its more alien to NOT have them in this fake game world.
Dont read the quest box if youre so offended by them.

I wont be responding to any further posts by you in the matter.


where did i say i was offended?
im just tired of playing match maker.


I agree with you in premise that you cant pray the gay away, but what about the reverse? Men dont go into prison gay, but you wouldnt call alot of the things they do in there straight. People who are molested often grow up to molest others. So there is evidence a trauma could cause you to go from straight to gay, so maybe not prayers but a trauma could cause you to go from gay to straight. Thoughts ?

19 hours of fish arguing in a necro’d bait thread from summer of '22. Can’t say that’s not an impressive troll but… yikes.


I just imagine a maths teacher explaining sex ed as…


I really hope this is a joke… Do you have any idea how often hetrosexual relationships are showen in media?
I mean, even jsut looking at this game.
Jaina/Arthas, Tyrande/Malfurion, Lor’themar/Thalyssra, Thrall/Aggra, Genn/Mia, Sylvanas/Nathanos, Alleria/Turalyon, Vereesa/Rhonin, Draka/Durotan… all of these are fine, but Mathias/Flynn? WOOOAH, that’s going to far that’s “shoving my sexuality at you” that shouldn’t be showen.

You need a reality check. Hetrosexuality is fluanted, pushed and monetized EVERYWHERE.


Did any of yall sleep? And good morning

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sleep…whats sleep ? :rofl:
Morning to you too Fuzz. Hope you had a great evening.


Lol ya was good


When christian preachers teach their followers that Gay people should be put to death it shouldn’t be surprising that some of those people would take it to heart.