I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

In other news: Back during BC I used to wonder why there were so many pastel armor pieces. Nowadays, not so much. It’s abundantly clear why the games armor sets look clownishly awful.

It affects me because I’m now hearing about it from YOU on a video game forum and thinking I wasted a solid 2 hours in here when I could have been doing something productive.


Its not a waste if you had fun personally this has been a great use of my time. Maybe I should reevaluate how much I value my time

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Oh no the tax argument yall got me, you dont pay taxes in my school district! On the real though you know what I am saying people with children may view this topic differently than you do.

Finally someone who understands me XD

Random person in conversation: Why do you like honey/bumble bees but have such a virulent hatred of wasps? You’re allergic to all of them.

Me: Honeybees/bumblebees/mason bees/etc are pollinators and will leave you alone if you leave them alone because if they sting you, they die. Wasps/hornets/yellow jackets are evil little monsters who will chase and sting you for the sheer sadistic fun of it because they can

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You don’t know where I live I might be your neighbor. Go to your window I’ll hold up a newspaper and a half eaten spicy sausage so you know its me

If you don’t want your kids around an unqualified teacher in your eyes, home school them.

Then you can teach em.


And yes exactly!

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As a parent myself I view parents who can’t handle their kid coming across a different opinion on a subject weak parents. If you aren’t ready for some hard to answer questions perhaps you shouldn’t be a parent.


Tbf homeschooling is probably the best way to ensure your kids’ teachers are unqualified.

Unless you live in like a six person polycule of qualified teachers I guess.


Well then they are in a pickle aren’t they?

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I know someone who’s kid is 18 and they are on an 8th grade level cause they tried to homeschool their kid. Nasty stuff.

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Yeah but at least they won’t have blue hair! little Billy is going to struggle with the maths and sciences but at least he will know where to put his weiner or whatever


I want to see less about any sexual preference.
that is all.

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You should what math they are teaching in school. Making 2+2 take up a whole page to get the answer

I grew up in a small town. “Smear the queer” was not a joke, at least not to the people it targeted.

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Alright I’m gonna start winding down to head to bed. Almost 2 am here.

Guess we’ll see what this thread turns into in the morning I suppose.

Small bible belt communities are really scary if they find out you aren’t exactly like them to this day. Stuff sucks.

Ya its so bad you can’t go outside after dark, ho wait that’s the metro areas what was I thinking.