I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

That would actually be very dangerous

There’s been instances where a teen / kid was abused and they had no idea because they had very little knowledge about that. So to them they thought it was “normal”

Proper education about this stuff could actually save people from making really stupid mistakes


That’s what happened with my mom. :frowning:


Aw man I’m sorry.


You need to work on your homophobia/racism because they arn’t going to disapear from media if anything they are going to become more prominant over time.

So disliking seeing gay people on TV is very much a you problem that you need to work on.

Woah bro. Fuzz is a woman with facial hair and a stout figure.


I know Rosen he’s fine.

And it’s a figure of speech it’s all good.

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To be fair this thread has been pretty great butt stuff a guy just putting on the record he is a “bit” racist. Hard to compete with this kind of forum entertainment

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Not budging its the responsibility of parents not the govt. I will not budge on my opinion on that. Parents and our peers bear that responsibility to teach these things not a class room.


We’re friends. They know I say dude and man in a more neutral way in conversation


And what if its the parents abusing their kids? ya ain’t gonna get a proper education that way.

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Issue is that sometimes parents teach their children things that shouldn’t be taught and or abuse their children telling them it’s normal…

aka what happened to mom.

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Isn’t this pretty common, especially among some ethnicities? Then they have to spend money on laser hair removal treatments

I have thick facial hair. Like, beard hair. I have to shave daily. It sucks.

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“You need to stop disliking things because other people dislike it too”.

I don’t get it bro. I wish you the all the best, but I don’t see the overall gain in going against my innate reactions to stimuli.

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I don’t want some creepy old man or woman teaching my daughter about sexuality. You assume teachers are all stand up do well have my child’s best interest at heart. No way, that teachers bias will imprint on my child. No way


Did they do away with permission slips? I remember when I was a youngen they sent us home with slips to get signed by our parents/guardians to teach us about sex

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Glad you’re entertained.

I’m still thankful how my Mom handled the whole “period” talk.

She got me a book and talked me thru it. It wasn’t some big hard to read science book. It was something written for pre teens.

She said my Grandma just gave her a very hard to read medical book and never spoke about it. So she didn’t want to do that with me.

Honestly it’s not fun. I tried using an epilator before as well to remove my arm/leg hair and never again. Now I just rock the fur.

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Look I ain’t the biggest fan of teachers either. I can understand some of where you’re coming from.

But sometimes its better to talk to a teacher about this stuff because it can be hella awkward with parents. Having conversations outside of that parental bubble can be helpful.