I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

Sorry but my passion for life is stronger during times of war. Also how am I going to invade the world with baby pandas

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Bold strategy lets see how this plays out for him.


Iā€™m biased against wasps.

I hate wasps. Iā€™m afraid of wasps.

I like bees though and honey bees are so cute.


someone doesnā€™t understand how art works on a basic level.

Bumble bros are love


Ehhh wasps can be okay if you just donā€™t freak out.

I did feel blessed one time tho a bee just decided to land on my shoulder for a bit. Lil lady needed a breather


I like bumble bees. Bumble bees are good.

I tried that they sting you anyway!

hehe yee they are super cute and docile. When I have soda, very rarely one will come up for a drink of the pop.

I take off the lid and put some in so they can get it and carry it back.

You know whatā€¦ I can respect that you admit it.

Very much a you problem though and you should work on that.

And on this note, you kind of have no legs to stand on to complain about people calling you out as homophobic etc, and donā€™t be too suprised when people donā€™t want to deal with you.


Kind of you. Iā€™ve tried this and they just refuse to leave.

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Yeah a few times when I was a kid I would leave out little things of sugar water for bees. My logic was ā€œits really hot out, they could use itā€ as a kid

I still wanna befriend a crow or raven someday


Thereā€™s people who think black people are all criminals and women shouldnā€™t be allowed to leave the house after 3pm. Thereā€™s people who thinks birds went extinct in the 1950ā€™s and have been replaced with government spy drones.

Do you feel that we should teach that as part of the school curriculum?

Youā€™re saying that we need to keep peopleā€™s beliefs in mind in order to be balanced. But thatā€™s the parents that you want to please. What about the kids?

How is it remotely balanced to tell some kids their reality is normal and tell other kids that their reality is weird and shouldnā€™t be discussed in public because it upsets people? Why shouldnā€™t we tell every child that theyā€™re valid and that theyā€™re not the only one going through these things?


If you do, put out better / tastier food if they ever bring you back something you like.

You can essentially train them to give you good stuff.
Only give them the ā€œbest stuffā€ when they bring an item you like.

Hereā€™s the thing, bro. Iā€™m not complaining about what people call me. I am who I am and Iā€™m kind and respectful to anyone who shows me the same.
What Iā€™m trying to understand is what I need to work on and why. Why should I advocate for the inclusion of things that I donā€™t like in to things I enjoy? How does that benefit anyone? Do you think that within the cycle of human existence that weā€™ll all just instinctively love everything and every one? Do you fight for this just because you feel the need to?
Itā€™s not a greater good type of argument because you fight for a minority, not a majority. So what is your endgame?

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I think we need to keep sexuality out of the classroom. What gives the schools permission to even do this? This is best left to parents period.


I make a topic about my character being possessed and not one of you comment, yet this thread has a million takers.

If you said your character was possessed by gay frogs then I bet that itā€™ll have 2 million takers

I had a pet crow for 3 years. I left his cage out back one night and a raccoon got in and killed him. I found his feathers everywhere in the morning. I was absolutely devastated. He was a great friend.

Wait you did? Where?

I found it

Link to the thread? Iā€™m intrigued.

Oh I know what to do with crows and ravens. Just not any around here.

Someday. SOMEDAY tho I shall get a crow / raven friend