I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

Good argument to spend less on making bombs and more where it matters so teachers aren’t just a small step up from janitor then.

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I would prefer a expert like a therapist or counselor not a teacher. We can find common ground here. As in a professional that can relate to these topics on sexuality. Not the teacher.

I used to take a thing called a razor and shave it off every few days. Now I just let it ride as well. My wife likes body hair. In the 90’s though you had to look like N sync so it wasn’t going to fly with the ladies.

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Woah lets not be crazy we need those bombs to spread freedom or whatever

I’m pretty sure a junior high / high school biology teacher is an expert.

Altho now I’m reminded of this

Yes, pump my RTX.

If russia and china were not a issue then sure 100% think teachers need to be vetted and payed better.

I don’t know what that is but that doesn’t sound good. I just buy mens razers and shave it every morning.

Oh man when I was sick with covid, I couldn’t shave for like 2 weeks cause I was just so sick. I was also taking care of Harley too bottle feeding him. Needless to say, fiance kept touching the beard giggling going “beard” and I’m like, “QUIT!” xD lol

Mom told me about what all that was before I had it so I knew and she had stuff on hand. She told me to let her know and all that.

She was very good on that front. Other things um… not so much but she tried.

Every few days? I gotta do it daily and even then by evening time it’s grown back!

My male 10th grade bio teacher sat all the girls front row hella creepy.

gym teachers are usually the worst, at least where I’m from.

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Why, though?

And is it even possible?

Sexuality and gender are two of the most important factors in the human experience. They affect everything from politics to literature.

There are pretty much no books you can read that don’t at least acknowledge the existence of romance. You can’t talk about reproduction without talking about sex. You can’t talk about history without talking about repression of people due to their sexuality, gender, religion or race.

I mean I’m 30, I grew up with a dial up model. I won’t lie, I was looking up nudie ladies when I was like 8. Kids know this stuff exists, they have the internet and they talk to each other.

Do you think they should learn about it from whatever they can find on the internet, regardless of how accurate it is or do you think they should learn about it in a school in a manner specifically formulated to teach them what they need to know?

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Yeah I got the talk after my school explained it.

And I’ve had bad counselors that blamed me for getting bullied. I know it can suck.

I got lucky because my moms a nurse. So she explained some stuff better than the stupid “special” about puberty I got stuck watching in school.

reminds me of my cousin trying to get naughty stuff off of kazaa and limewire

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Nothing like using your file sharing program of choice to spend 50+ minutes to get a picture of a boob and a virus. Ah to be young again

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Because you cant assume it will be taught without bias, from either side. Teachers are not equipped to do this. I also see quite often teachers forming relationships with students. To me teachers have no business teaching this stuff. Now you want to have a therapist/counselor or a professional teaching this in high school, sure im ok with that. Not a creepy math teacher. Teach math not sex.

You’d be up all night and you’d see one nipple.

What a time.

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We had a health teacher in high school that her only role / job was to teach sex ed class and health science classes.

She was very nice and we also learned CPR and things like that. I used to have my CPR certification / first aid certification from that.

I mean the same could be said about all sorts of topics other then sexuality. People are going to have a bias when teaching history or even civics… do kids still take civics is that still a thing?

I think it’s lumped as part of general history now I think.

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100% okay with this, this person is a expert and hopefully non biased on either side. But a ELA teacher with blue hair teaching my daughter about sex can gtfo