I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

“Yes, and I stepped in and helped the poor person. I will NOT condone such violence.”

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I’m a 36 year old gay man, yes, I’ve been in hospital after being jumped by 3 strangers and having my nose broken. They followed me after I’d said goodybe to my boyfriend who got on the bus.

So yeah. I have infact seen it happen, first hand. and I’m FAR from alone. The fact that it’s outright still punishable by death in some countries to simply be gay means we have a LONG way to go. I’m not sure if you’re deliberatly being ignorant or just simply nieve to the world, but if you think hate crimes don’t happen then you need to open your eyes.


I mean if i saw that I would do the same at a human level, not because if how they identify. But I have not seen that happen, people are murdered every day no argument there.

“Just know, even though you have not seen it, it does happen, A LOT. And it needs to stop.”

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You were jumped by people who have mental illness and used your orientation as an excuse. This never happens in history… I also cannot in anyway take your word that it did happen because stranger on the internet.

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Yeah in highschool my friends were assaulted a few times and they were openly gay.

I was attacked quite a few times because I have more masculine traits as a lady due to genetics.

I’m so sorry /hug

You asked a legit question then go that route. If you can’t ask a question, don’t ask it.


Again mental illness played a role here, maybe even mob mentality. Is it a hate crime yes, but at the same time you dont need to remind me everyday you exist. I know you do, I cant protect you I have my own problems. Like paying bills.


It isn’t you that needs reminding. It’s the folks that go around assaulting people, yelling slurs, and overall being well… not productive.

I was born and raised in WV and we had several kids have their car tires slashed if the one specific group found out they were gay.

Also I’m not gay… my friends were though and they would hang around me cause they knew I would have their back if something went crazy.

This was 15ish years ago.


I simply don’t like it. Just like you don’t like everything being straight. I don’t care if you’re accepted. It’s none of my business. Homosexuals and trans people should just make their own entertainment. Make your own games. Stop taking something that’s straight and adding your gayness to it. It’s that simple.

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Dont we already have laws that try to stop that behavior? You cant make people do anything. You cant make people not hate other people, or make them follow the law. I accept you, but I cant make others accept you. Its a society problem and no law will fix.

Edit: your not part of that community lol mis read that

The laws only work if they are enforced.

Same with rules. If the rules / laws aren’t enforced like they are supposed to be and / or things reported how they are supposed to be… then it doesn’t matter to a hill of beans.

Oh I know people won’t accept me sometimes.

Technically am cause I’m sure I fit in somewhere with all the hormonal issues I have that gives me facial hair, deeper voice, and stoutness as a lady cause… genetics. I’m a big ally for LGBTQ as well and help where I can.

And when I say facial hair, I can grow a beard if I let it. I shave it.

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My opinion is they need to remove all forms of sexuality from everything, including schools. Problem solved stop making it a weird thing and it wont be. Let people find their own way

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My wife has PCOS i know where your coming from, i almost cry when i see her hair starting to fall out. Love her to death makes me sad.

Ya I don’t have PCOS as far as I can tell. It’s somekind of genetic thing where I just make too much testosterone for w/e reason.

Ya I feel for her on that. PCOS from what I heard sucks.

probably not, they had likely just been raised to think that way in a homophobic environment. That dosen’t mean they are mentally ill. But I don’t know them and can’t say for sure.

I take it you failed history… dude… a quick google search will find you millions of recorded cases. Go do it.

Afghanistan, Algeria, Antigua & Barbuda, Bangladesh, Barbados, Bhutan, Brunei, Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Comoros, Cook Islands, Dominica, Egypt, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, Guinea, Guyana, Iran, Jamaica, Kenya, Kiribati, Kuwait, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Myanmar, Namibia, Nigeria, Occupied Palestinian Territory (Gaza Strip), Oman, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Qatar, Russia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, Togo, Tonga, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Zambia and Zimbabwe…

All of those countries it’s illegal to be gay in. And in 13 of them it’s outright punishable by death.

I don’t expect you to, but you directly asked me so I answered you. That’s on you if you don’t beleive it. But again a quick google search will find you millions of other cases just like what I experianced. many of which are recorded on camera.


I like traditional relationships in storylines though. I like when the king and queen have a son and he finds his princess and he ascends to his role as king when his father dies.
If people want to have their stories about two men loving each other, they can. There are plenty of movies and other forms of entertainment for them. They should stay separate.
WoW never had anything like that until it was added. Why not just get a bunch of devs together that like that sort of thing and create it. Then no one will be around to discriminate against them. The whole game could fit their lifestyle.

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As far as enforcing laws go, guess we should not defund the police then XD no pun intended. I think if people stop trying to force the issue, like many things in time this issue will resolve itself look where we are today vs the past. People soften over time dont need to force it let it happen on its own.

Adding 5 gay couples to a video game isn’t going to change that. Stop equating the laws of primitive countries with western video games.


I was being sarcastic, I am well read in history. Point is its not illegal here do what you do. You cannot force people to accept you. Move on learn to protect yourself because I cannot. In time people soften and will accept you but you cannot force it.

Even if we ignore the question of whether that’s actually possible (for example how can you teach biology without discussing reproduction? How can you teach reproduction without sexuality?) or fair.

You can’t teach contemporary history without talking about the civil rights movements of the 20th century. You can’t teach those without talking explicitly about why some people needed to get those civil rights.

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