I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

Not really, although it depends on where you work specifically.

The main issue is the …frequency or bandwidth theyre used. In my area, less people use the gender neutral rooms (just by sheer quantity alone because of its occupancy restriction) and therefore less ah… human-to-toilet transactions happen. Therefore, they typically remain cleaner for longer.

But even going beyond that. I much rather prefer the solitude. Instead of the really bad design of American restrooms that seem dead set on making sure that you can see through each stall and invade everyone’s privacy as such. There is absolutely no reason why the stall dividers have to be that small unless it was through intentional malevolence.

They are designed with the idea that same sex don’t mind seeing each other in those conditions. There are far more people that care less about being seen by the same sex then those that do care. There are even mental conditions for those that worry about the same sex seeing them naked.

i already complained about the straights, i dont wanna see thralls wedding, i dont wanna see tyrande or malfurion have a love conflict, or dont wanna keep helping random people with love quests…

like come on, there was a quest to help a gnome and a naga be together… let’s just kill dragons and stop playing match maker.

I much rather prefer Donkey’s approach.


if you want to seduce the dragon so much, just play a bard in a DnD group…

Enough already the world broken enough as is

There is nothing wrong with the LGBTQ community, only the “woke virtue signalers” that follow them around like puppy dogs looking for twitter verification.

Just in case, it is worth mentioning that with this video do not forget Disney’s failure to fill full LGBT character WITHOUT SENSE, WITHOUT DEVELOPMENT, FOR AN NULL REPRESENTATION AND ONLY A REPRESENTATIVE TOKENISM OF A COMPANY.

OF what Dreamworks did the opposite, and that the actor of Perrito is LGBT.

And so think twice if you want to make another troll thread about this representation of WoW that actually already has it.

I bet OP is that tal guy or whatever his name is.

These forums, and therefore the people on them, really confuse me sometimes…

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Hi Kaag :slight_smile:

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Throm-Ka, Fuzzbutt.

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Ill bite, why do we as humans need validation of our sexuality from others? From any perspective heterosexual or LGBTQ? Why are we so weird about this topic and feel the need to gain acceptance from strangers on what we prefer?

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Stop using trendy twitter terms like bigotry they mean nothing to anyone now. You cant force compliance with your viewpoint by using them.


Oh this guy.

The very individual that demands everything, and gives nothing. He’d be great in religious debates!

i think that it demands a male and a female to produce offpsring tosses you in the bin. Enjoy yourself. The echo will amaze you.

when someone has nothing left to give, they start pulling out the name-calling. They thought it worked in the preschool playground. They still think it works now

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The common terms thrown around have 0 effect and will not gain compliance from an argument. I agree when someone cannot convince a stranger on the internet they are right, they name call.

As i have said the LGBTQ community is fine to me I accept them. Most of them have more interesting personalities than my heterosexual self has.

I do not, however accept the puppy dog fake internet virtue signalers that follow them around seeking bias verification.

Time to leave the echo chamber and join the rest of us in society.

First off, I’m not sure how that’s a ‘bite’ or atall relivant to the point I was making.

My point was about people complaing that it’s ‘shoved in their face’ when LGBTQ+ relationships are showen in media despite the fact that hetro relationships are constantly showen yet they never complain about that, which your question has no relivance to… but I’ll answer anyway.

Because the threat of not being accepted involves being beatten, stoned abused and murdered for showing affection to someone of the same gender. The fight for acceptance and reprisentation is not about being validated, it’s about being normalised to a point where we can be safe to just exist as the people we are.


Have you seen these things happen? Not on TV, in real life. Have you watched a member of the LGBTQ community be beaten, stoned…etc?

Also who from the LGBTQ community asked you to champion for them?

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