I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

You can all you have to do is lie if they question you call them a bigot and go use the toilet.

oh yeah.
One of our major stores here ripped out all of their multi use RRs and now they ONLY have family bathrooms with a locked door.

TBH the trans community have always made me laugh because they have such great personalities. While I dont share their love interest their comical eccentric personalities are amazing.

Then the pandemic came and it made me question everything which set us back as a society decades.

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My personal take is I highly doubt anyone willing to do SA in a bathroom cares much about your signs or laws at all.

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I dont have a problem with what restroom you use personally, especially as an adult. However in school with children I can see where a young dad might get frustrated if he perceives a young boy using his daughters changing locker rooms and she has no right to privacy. But the boy has more rights to be in there than she does.

There is two sides to this ordeal. I think if one can be allowed to use what ever bathroom they want then we all can.

Didnā€™t know I was putting up signs and passing bills into law lol.

My city here has a YUUUGE LGBT community. I mean like entire areas of town that had run down for decades were adopted by our LBGT brother and sisters and they have literally repaired and rebuilt these areas. One is just south of downtown and one is just north.
Beautiful old victorian brick housesā€¦most were run down and just in horrible shape back it the 70s.
Now you drive thru and the houses are renovated. The old brick streets have a lot of brick replaced that the city refused to do when theyd tear up the street to do work and then lay blacktop instead.
In the 70s the crime rate was bad enough in both that you had to watch your back. I remember as a kid having to be very careful.
Now I see old couples and children all aroundā€¦they really fixed it all up and as someone who has lived here most of my life its VERY appreciated by many of us who lived in those hoods as kids.

Iā€™ll never allow myself to judge the LGBT community over the actions ā€¦behaviorā€¦of deviants trying to use them for their own sick agendas.
Ive been very happy to see LGBT coming out taking a stand against it.


Obviously a more general term of the use your :dracthyr_shrug:

That would only apply if you werenā€™t also under these same laws. It would also imply wherever you are that they apparently have different laws as well as no signs for restrooms lol.

Ok sure. Our then. Not sure why itā€™s a big deal.

Because it makes you sound like a donkey, thatā€™s why.

Thank your showing me whos who, as in whos the problem and who is not. Aka woke keyboard warriors on twitter and not the lgbtq community. Im going to go back to accepting them and moving with my life. As for the bathrooms I dont have a solution for adults other than we suck it up we cant stop predators from preying. I think schools need to stay traditional and have a private family style bathroom for people who feel they need it.


I want this, I want thatā€¦. Gimme, gimme!

Well, OP. Idk what your actual goal was, but if it was to cause aā€¦ kerfuffle, then you succeeded.

It always goes that way which is annoying. I want to play my video game full of gay dragons and anyone who doesnā€™t like it can cope and seethe.

This thread was necroed look at the date.

Idk why we are all still talking in here but /shrug


Iā€™ve been bamboozled again. :pensive:

I really need to just read the post times more often


Mcconell? are you not the stupid Asmongold friend?

It happens lol

I think theyā€™re a troll impersonating them.

Because people are so wonderful