I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

Likely my comment above alluding to the idea that we shouldnt be listening to Adolf, lol.
Someone suggested if Adolf pays his fees, then his voice is as important as yours and mine, lmao.

 I see.

I’ll uh, I’ll just stay out of that debacle.

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It definitely went in all sorts of directions I never intended lol.
MY point was some viewpoints ARENT worth entertaining when it comes to extremists/activists.

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That’s cool!

What did you call your grandfather; e.g., papa, grandpa, etc.? I always find those random tidbits about people interesting.


I’m sure the stories are different but I can relate, a lot has happened since last my toe nails were painted. This dad needs to get better.

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There is all kinds of nope emanating from this general area.

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Yeah it was a lot of stuff with my mom’s side of the family and all kinds of stuff
 it was a giant mess.

Almost ripped everyone apart but we are starting to get past everything, let the past be in the past, and enjoy each other’s company.

We are looking past our faults and looking at the person underneath and trying to understand how each other feels different ways / assist each other. It’s honestly very good how it’s all going.

Dad is almost 70 same with mom and all the stuff happened when she was about 20. Been dealing with it before I was born (she was 40 when she had me).

You’ll get better in time, just always take a step back and do the “I’m in this person’s shoes” kind of thing. Things can get better and it can take time. :slight_smile:

why do you need constant validation? Why are you entitled to be treated special and to have more rights than anyone else? Why do the trans community feel entitled to use the opposite genders bathrooms?

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1/10 way to obvious.

Alright, who would even know if someone was trans going into a bathroom?

Like, it’s a toilet. Who cares. Trans people were using the bathroom just fine before people started freaking out about everything.


Your not going to make me feel bad for being born on conquered land. Your words and opinions mean nothing to me and you have no power over me.


“Key words in life. Well put.”

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The real trans have been using the RR they choose for years.
Then some particular activist who ISNT trans used the Trans cause to push allowing men who just ‘identify’ as trans into the womens bathroom. Thats when the problems really started.
If a Bio woman feels she is a man, dresses and acts like a man, what do I care if they use the mens restroom.
The REAL trans were never a problem. I NEVER heard of stories of them doing anything wrong.
Then that activist came along and ‘fought for trans rights’ then bio men claiming to ID as women just to get into the ladies restroom started pulling all kinds of crap
and now there are lists of stories of assaults, etc.
This was never anything I ever saw until that activist got involved.


So its as i suspected “woke non trans” people trying to be validated on twitter when no one from the trans community asked them to champion for them

edit: come to think of it I also never bat a second eye at the trans community untill it was shoved in my face during the pandemic. I suppose that means i was already accepting of them.

Nobody cares what you want we play WoW as a game you can leave real life outside the game. It is fantasy so maybe the Wizards found out why so many feel like the opposite sex and cured it so everyone is straight in wow. I want more straight representation myself.

I think the problem with the bathroom thing comes from a power dynamic. If you notice, transmen don’t get anywhere near the same level of pushback as transwomen. If you’re a transman and you go into the men’s restroom, literally no one is going to care. Why? Because a transman is zero threat to men in the restroom, literally none.

The dynamic shifts rather dramatically on the other end though. A transwoman could very well do the same thing, go into a women’s restroom and have no problem. Most of the time, this is probably going to be the case. The issue is when you have a transwomen that, to be frank, still looks very much like a man going into these restrooms with women and their children. The problem is, how is anyone actually to know they are trans? This is where the power dynamic comes in. A transwoman, or at least anyone claiming to be, could potentially be an actual threat to women, that’s just a fact.

I’m not saying one way is good or not, I’m just pointing out the issues. Like I said, the vast majority of the time, I highly doubt there are issues, but potential issues are there and that’s what people worry about.

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My issue is this: If a transgender is allowed into what ever bathroom they want to go in by law. Why cant non trans men also go into this same bathroom? Its not about anything else imo. Why give one group more rights than anyone else. This is all about entitlement, keeping people confused so you can control them. Heaven forbid if we just accepted our fellow man/woman/trans/any color/creed.

How would they gain power over us then?

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and THAT is why the LGBT community MUST take a stand against these self serving activists.
There is a wonderful lesbian woman who fought for LGBT rights years ago who recently said
had she known that her work
that her cause
would be used by self serving sorts abusing the LGBT cause she would never have even done the work she did
which is sad.

I really hate getting into this on this forum but

It was never a problem because the trans community isnt bad. the REAL trans community.
There was a man
who likes children
just leave it at that
who ISNT trans
but wanted an excuse for bio men to be able to get into the girls restrooms.
That is the beginning of the trans community being used and abused to push this guys self serving agenda.

Im 57 years old.
I can think back decades
I NEVER heard a single story about any trans or anyone who ID’ed as the opposite sex EVER assaulting someone in the bathroom.
Maybe it happened, but I sure never heard or read about it.
it started after I heard about the guy I mentioned above.
After that its like a story every few days now.

My guess
and Id’ bet money on it
is its NOT actual REAL trans committing ANY of these assaults, but is someone straight using the allowance of bio men in womens restrooms to get in there.

I called our local target a couple years ago.
I told them flat out
Im a big burly lumber jack looking sort. Unshaven, I wear mens cloths, I dont even try to look like a woman
can I use the womans bathroom.
The person on the phone transferred me to a manager who told me “Its however you indentify” .
She was perfectly fine with me going into the girls bathroom even though I explained to her that I do nothing to even try to present myself as a woman.
Now imagine if Im that sort of sicko
now what?
See what I mean?

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I mean I have seen things called “family restrooms,” where anyone can go in. It’s nothing but stalls. I think a lot of the bathroom stuff was overblown, I just understand where people are coming from is all.


 how would a person even know?

Like, toilet is toilet I don’t understand this.

Heck I used the men’s bathroom before because the women’s bathroom was unusable and men often times use the women’s bathroom if there is a changing table for their babies. Mens bathrooms don’t have changing tables (I think they should add them in mens bathrooms).

BTW I do skip lines by going into the men’s bathroom. I don’t do it often but I do do it
 sometimes. That or if the women’s bathroom is like a tornado hit it.

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