I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

lol yw yeah I miss times back then. Everything was… simpler (I’ll put it that way) due to family events etc that happened.

But dad is getting better so is mom and we actually made cookies the other day when I visited. We haven’t made cookies together or baked together since I was just a little thing.


So you don’t have a problem with Hitler but do have a problem with Bush?
odd take

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I have a problem with both but that doesn’t mean i would refuse to listen to what they said.

Stop thinking like your side is the right side, that’s colonizer’s mindset, and we must do better to erase such mentality.

There are.

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Don’t even try to tell me how to think.
You’re free to read mein kampf and see what you can benefit from the mind of a truly evil murderer.

We’re American, you talk like we have the moral ground to act like the good guy.
Look below you, the land you stand on right now comes from genocide and massacre.

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They should have fought harder if they wanted to keep their land lmao

Right? Imagine if Adolf said their victim should just fought harder?

Just like everywhere else on Earth.


wth does that even mean?
It doesn’t matter what you think about the Iraq war and who is responsible. We all live our lives and need to face responsibility for ourselves. I don’t have to answer for what one president of my country did. I do have to answer for how I live my life. I’m not going to take advice from a stinking criminal. But you go for it.

Which is why i said listening to Adolf isn’t really that bad.

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They really should have. Imagine getting on a train because the government told you lmao

Yeah sucks for them amirite?

Male and female are biological sexes.


Pretty much

I mean i’m the one that said listening to Adolf isn’t that bad, and you’re the one who have a problem with it, you know that right?

This is true.

It was also true long before the first Europeans set foot on this soil.


Dare I ask how the thread got onto that? o-o

Funny thing about everyone yelling ‘colonizer’…We NEVER see them packing up and going back to their own country of origin.

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Why don’t you go back to Europe? Everyone is just as American as you are.