I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

! Asking for a friend in Anyport Drustvar, I think you have to do the rest of Anyport’s story first in helping Cesi take over the place.

I dunno, being a shark would be nice I suppose? Though I’d kinda miss having hands…

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Let’s Get Brandon To Quit ?


Sad thing is many fall into that category. Plain sheeple and they don’t even realize it.

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I don’t think anyone is clamoring for WoW to start showing sex, gay or otherwise. GoT is intended to be a little different content-wise. So if that’s our bar for representation I don’t think we’re going to meet it.

That aside, the vast majority of characters in WoW don’t have their sexuality confirmed one way or the other. We only have a handful of confirmed relationships in WoW and like, half of them are the Windrunner sisters.


If you want Blizzard to lose money because you want company force identical politics down everyone’s throat when everyone else wanted to get away from real world and be entertained.


Good for people who want to see others like them in media.

I was saying GoT had great LGBTQ+ rep. They did this by showing a sexual relationship between two men. Not saying WoW needs to copy it, but if one of the most beloved fantasy shows can do top tier representation. WoW should be able to include more characters.

Wow is not an HBO series


That’s because LGBT includes gay and bisexual, so it includes every character that is in a gay relationship but it doesn’t necessarily exclude any character that is in a straight relationship, because they could be bi. You can still say there’s a lack of representation of LGBT relationships though, which is obviously true and I’ve proven it in the past

I put most or all of the Warcraft books in a text file and then searched “his wife”, “his husband”, “her wife”, and “her husband”. Let’s see how many matches there are!

“his wife”: 53 matches
“his husband”: 0 matches
“her wife”: 0 matches
“her husband”: 41 matches

Coincidence?! Or maybe we’re just correct that apparently almost every single visible romantic relationship in the WoW universe is a heterosexual one!


How is adding gay characters “forcing identity politics down peoples throats?”

That’s like saying Burger King is forcing identity politics down your throat if the cashier is wearing a pride pin.



That’s not even remotely true, and you know it…


There is a lack of rep for relationships. We’ve had a handful, some are not even clearly stated.

Only instances of lesbian relationships I can think of are… two night elves in WotLK, I think a panda in mist and some trolls getting married in a book.


You are assuming everyone is straight unless it’s implied they are not.

Sexuality rarely comes up.


And also the two in Ardenweald, which is pretty much the most visibility any relationship actually gets in WoW, even the straight ones oddly enough have at least one partner deceased or mysteriously missing usually…

Comics have the dead parent trope, WoW has the dead wife trope apparently.

We’ve seen like 3 weddings in the story and the third had the groom murdered.

No. Go away. Stop with your complaints please.


WoW has Thiernax/Qadarin and Flynn/Mathias, both of which I thought were tastefully done. So I don’t think WoW is the worst story out there in terms of representation.

Like I said before, most characters in WoW simply never have their sexuality or relationship status confirmed one way or the other. It’s very rare that a character’s relationships becomes a major part of the story. For a very long time I think that Malfurion and Tyrande were the only faction leaders to be married before Thrall and Aggra in Cataclysm. Sexuality just isn’t a very big deal in WoW.


Because we all know it would be the first step. It will never be enough for you or 1% crowd on Twitter.


I don’t use twitter?

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If there were a way to get all the quest text in the game into a single searchable file, there would be more proof that almost all of the visible relationships in the game are str8. idk how that could be done though other than by maybe scraping tens of thousands of Wowhead pages, which is probably against the site rules and also a waste of time because we all know str8 couples are overrepresented in game!

The thing is, we are shown maybe at best a handful of those relationships in any detail, two weddings and Tyrande/Malfurion’s daily life and a bit of Alleria/Turalyon’s is all we see of these: Velen: single dad with a corrupted son, Varian: single dad with a dead wife, Lady Waycrest: soon to be husband killed at the altar… etc.

Most of the time I forget Thrall’s even married…