I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

Whos makin the popcorn tho?.. :cloud_with_rain: đŸ« 


Your assuming all the characters are straight since they don’t express there preference in their story. Maybe they just want to talk about war and azerite or something.

Don’t try to make everything and everyone about sexuality.


 everyone is gay unless they state otherwise?


I’ve put this here to say it’s Monday morning I haven’t even had my coffee yet why do y’all constantly feed these troll threads.


Does it really matter?


Because we’re bored.

Everyone is whatever they are and most ppl are fine with that and don’t care. It is irrelevant.

When I leave my house and go about my business I am sure there is a part of people I come across who are gay. They are just who they are they are part of my community.

I don’t spend my time trying to figure out who is straight and who isn’t.

Why would I do that?


Does it matter if there is LGBTQ+ representation? Absolutely!

I’ve stated this in many posts, but Overwatch does a great job. Their poster child is lesbian. She’s not talking about her girlfriend 100% of the time, but Blizzard covers it in other media.

Representative is important. It’s like saying “does it matter if women are in the game?”

Some people appreciate art more when they can see themselves in it as they have a deeper connection.

World of Warcraft is seriously lacking on the LGBTQ+ representation front. And it’s not just LGBTQ+ folks who enjoy that representation.

While not the best
 in Japan there is a massive market for Boys Love novels which is enjoyed more so by women I’d argue than gay men. Pretty sure Netflix actually picked up one of the novels and made it an anime.

Anywho, rep matters. It’s great for folks to see themselves in art.


No sane person would. We have too much on our plate to care about the hypotheticals.


I think I can count on one hand, maybe two, the number of instances where we actually have confirmation of characters’ orientation just by the relationships they have, and about two of those are in fact openly LGBT

And usually those instances including straight ones are side quests of no importance, like the one in Drustvar where we hook up a Pandaren lady and a Kul’tiran/human man


Honestly dude? I think you should take a rain check on your emotions? So
let me get this straight
you want Blizz to spend there time, money and artwork/graphic designers just to make you feel validated? Sorry bro, they aren’t gonna do that
now look, I get it
in real life, I have a disability, Cerebral Palsy, would I like representation? Yes. Would they do it? I don’t think so
they never explain what kind of cripple Gul’Dan is
will I make millions upon millions of forum posts begging Blizz to put in representation? Agian, no
I would like it if they did, dont get me wrong.


What makes a dungeon/raid pride as opposed to straight? I didn’t think that killing bosses inherently leaned towards any sexuality in particular.


Anything stopping people from making their own fictional writing? In America, we can be entrepreneurs. If there is a truly a market for said mangas and video games, it would prosper. Butting in representation for the sake of inclusiveness will always have opposition.


Oh good, we’re doing this again


What’s the quest? I don’t think I’ve done it

OP set the bait and you fishies just eat it right up.

There are 3 groups of people here.

  1. The people that call out OP for trolling.
  2. The people of the LGBTQ community who feel like they’re being attacked because people don’t agree with OP.
  3. The people that take OP seriously and disagree with him.

Be in group 1. The people that make up 2 and 3 are fishies
 no one wants to be a fish.


There is a market. It’s called the general audience of Americans.

Game of thrones showed gay sex. That’s some good representation.

One of the most liked shows out there. Also The Wire, one of the top rated shows had a lesbian detective who was a lead.

So many in this thread thinking adding a few more gay people is going to destroy the world or something. :roll_eyes:

There’s a quest in the Night Fae storyline where you need to seek out one of the previous Night Warriors for something or other. Said previous Night Warrior is with his husband and they’re both very active parts of that questline.

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Everyday these people have to start arguing about it. It’s a never ending loop.


Good for whom?