I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

It’s 100% your choice to not engage with it and that’s valid. I like to shine a spotlight right on that, make sure that I quote what they say because way too often people either look away or pretend it’s become completely normalized to talk like that.

I even have to deal with a lot of my own internalized phobias based on how I was raised and I actually have to stop myself from blaming myself for how others view me.

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Oh yeah for sure.

some of these comments are just vile.

i think something is wrong in that paladins brain.

Luckily, Blizzard doesn’t seem to care what bigots prefer. :slight_smile:


Brainwash will do that to people.

I want to give people the chance to grow up and learn but at some point you have to draw the line.

This post and others like it are cringe. Gay rights should not overflow into video games taking it over to be a gay rights game.


scroll up.

Blizz has been making small steps to add lgbtq+ into the game and I a straight conservative honestly have no problem and if they want to add more and do it in a away that makes sense and doesn’t do stereo types then fine.

The only problem I see is some of the people that make these threads seem to want to change the entire game to fit them .

It is if these people are either just trolls or the extrme wing of the lgbtq community

That has always been the case.


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pixels aren’t “gay rights”.

humans are the only species which get offended by the concept of “love is love”.

it doesn’t hurt you.
stop caring so much about how people live their lives.


This is a gay rights game.

There’s the door.


There we go finally found this.

No they don’t.

L identifies the type of relationship. Just having G it doesn’t tell which are together.

Q is for questioning from my understanding.

No it goes in with LGBTQ.

It is not because there are folks that go beyond that as well and it’s set up this way for a reason.

I think I linked that to someone that wanted a basic run down but idk this is an old necroed thread and I don’t want to put more into this than needed.

Also sorry for the late late late reply it showed as a reply in my notifications then for some reason it didn’t but I glanced at it so idk.

Also I think I did this right so if I’m wrong please correct.

Sexual orientation =/= bedroom activity.
Come on, think.


Im Mediterranean. Wheres MY representation?

Homophobes when they see representation in a video game:


perma blocked for trolling

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Are you a merman?

My heart will go on



I dont have flippers, sooo…no, lol.

Who would be considered Mediterranean?
This biogeographical region includes the Mediterranean Sea and seven Member States, either partially (France, Portugal, Italy, Spain) or completely (Greece, Malta, Cyprus).

oof… I hope that was meant as a bad joke… :sweat_smile: