I want more LGBTQ representation in wow


Shh, we need to let them continue to twist and change words so they can weaponize it against people they disagree with.

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I donā€™t know how I can say this without sounding very disrespectful, but I donā€™t think wow should focus on sexual orientation. I feel it really doesnā€™t matter when it comes down to the story.

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They gave like six LGBTQ pairings in DF for NPCs, you have Pelagos who is transgender from SL and they got rid of Male/Female for the sex and gave us Body Type 1 and 2ā€¦

If you want more than that in terms of clothes and stuff, as someone who played in BC I can tell you now, you can totally make a pride ensemble out of those armor colors.

Now, letā€™s all stop feeding the troll and go about our normal Sunday routines of last minute raids and what-not.

edit: And donā€™t forget the Rainbow Generatorā€¦ former trinket made toy in Legion.

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Donā€™t many of them overlap and often mean the same thing?

Like the Ls often refer to themselves as Gs, so why not drop the L?

It all can be a bit Q, so we can drop that.

T seems like itā€™s on another planet in comparison to the rest and should have itā€™s own acronym.

So that leaves the GB. I admit that just donā€™t sound like much, but it seems more accurate.

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Kinda funny to watch people get so worked up and pretending to sit on a high horse in a game that treats race division as a neat thing for the factions. Well, carry on^^

Letā€™s create a new hero class called ā€œALPHABETā€ and give them spells that shoot rainbows out their arses.

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Everyone is sick of the ā€œwokeā€ nonsense because it is bankrupting networks, Hollywood, and everything it touches; it also makes no sense to rework everything to oversaturate this ideology to the point where there is nothing entertaining about it and only bad content.
People are realizing that they allowed it to get out of control by dismissing it and treating it like a fad rather than as indoctrination.
Itā€™s not my intention to burst your safety bubbles, even though some people might find these comments hurtful. The very thing you demanded has made a certain subset of you into an aggressive and hateful type. The extreme left has established a persona for the left that is simply too overt for anyone to ignore.

They demanded attention, and it is now being given, but it appears that the attention may not be the proper kind.

To each their own, and regardless of how you swing, may your endeavors allow you to achieve your goals, and may all your paths allow your fellow humans to achieve theirs without being hampered by your choices.


soā€¦ youā€™re not insecure around bees, or intolerant of their presence?


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Itā€™s a cult that creates exclusiveness based on the veil on inclusiveness with a side order of excluding all others not like them.


Baps the dracthyr with a newspaper :newspaper_roll:

Bad necroing posts. Bad!

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You might want to do a quick Google search on the definition of homophobia.

This is a commentary that only someone who is unhinged will say while thinking theyā€™re in the right.

Thatā€™s not how hate works.

You have a victim complex while trying to tell everyone else they have a victim complex. Does the mere sight of gay dragons trouble you so much that you have to puff out your chest on a game forum? Get real. :roll_eyes:


That dude needs to be on an FBI list lol.

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I didnā€™t even notice there was a guy on here screaming on the forums trying to IRL have it out. Itā€™s pathetic.

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I saw that but I didnā€™t want to respond to it. Well other than what I put above but still.

That seriously needs looked into. That kind of thing is never ok.

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like the centaurs wedding in the plains?
they do need to expand on that and there is nothing wrong with subtle sexuality but not straight up in your face crap heck even the newest paragon is a trans man and that is as major story line as it gets.