I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

I want more Skin representation on my head.

Yes, it’s a small minority that wants LGBT stuff and a small minority that is offended by it. That’s why the choice seems like a good thing, let people have “male or female” or “body type 1 & 2” by pushing a button.

The fringe of each group will be upset that everyone isn’t forced to do things their way but the vast majority will just say “what ever” and move on to what ever is next.

I agree with you on this. Less would be better. I love when the Alphabet community says nobody is pushing their lifestyle down our throats. Knock knock
 June kicks the door in. Every store has sections now dedicated to this, I saw articles this year about bringing small children to Pride parades. That is all the Alphabet community does, is shove their lifestyle down everyone’s throats. Then they get mad and call you a bigot or homophobic or boomer if you don’t want anything to do with it.


I’m not a carpenter but go into any hardware store and they have saws. So are they pushing carpentry down my throat because there is a section with hammers, saws and nails?

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They already are forcing it into your character. If you create a new character in DF you’ll see that you no longer pick from male or female body type. It’s just “body type 1 and body type 2”. And picking your pronouns and being able to put a male voice on your female character.

Sorry let me rephrase that last part. Puting a body type 1 voice into a body type 2 and vice versa.

All i can say is i better not be forced to pick pronouns that show up in game.


No thanks. I dont want anything to remind me of anyone’s sexual preferences, whatsoever.

Equal rights and discrimination protections is one thing, which already exists.

Now if you want a game that celebrates what you like to do with your genitelia at every turn, make one yourself.


Oh boy, they’re gonna revive one of THESE threads

  1. Homophobes = People that are afraid of gay folks (Which I promise, nobody is AFRAID of the gays), the term you’re looking for is “bigots”.

  2. Nice going on the necro.

How bout no

You haven’t been paying attention.

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Just not liking is not homophobia, it’s bigotry.

Disagreeing is okay, doesn’t make you a phobe or bigot.

I haven’t see anybody go “Oh no, it’s the gays, run away!” and then proceed to cry in terror.

But that’s just me.


You haven’t been paying attention.

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Then enlighten me instead of using the same 5 words in both responses.


Educate meeeeeeeeee!

Try reading the front page of your favorite news website.

I have been, LGBT bashing isn’t phobic.

But please, tell me what I’m missing. There must some secret cipher on the front page that I can’t decode.



Couldn’t agree more.

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As an example of a phobia:

I’m deathly afraid of bees, so I have Melissaphobia.

Other folks are afraid of spiders with makes them Arachnophobics.

People that are insecure and intolerant of the alphabet community? Just bigots, hence the definition of the word “bigotry”.

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Yes, it would.