I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

I think it’s an American thing.

Ah yes, the channel that got ratioed for sucking up to WotC and disparaging Tolkien and Gygax over their depiction of orcs. Of course they don’t see a problem with politics in games, because they’re on the side (which is to say, off-the-cliff fanatically Left) which benefits most from their inclusion, since that’s the only type of politics pushed by Commiefornian studios.

Ad Hominem, classic.

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But then why did you say this in the lounge thread?

To me, this is evidence that you are lying and concern trolling.

There are other threads I’ve seen of yours that are contradictory as well.


This sums it up for me.

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Your highschool debate team buzzwords don’t impress me, kid. Appeal to authority is also a fallacy. I don’t recognize Extra Credits’ opinion on this matter as valid, no matter what you say.

I was linking their video because they simply make the point I wanted to better than I could.

It wasn’t a “it’s right because they say so”, it was a “I’ll let them explain because they do a better job than I would”

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I want 2h weapon skills with increased spell power for giving up armour defence for hpal

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It really is a superior system.

Hey it’s McNugget!

You know more often than not the people fighting hardest to deny the reality of the world we live in project their deepest secrets and insecurities by fighting so dang hard. It’s ok to be gay.

Hi, pleased to meet you, I’m Zorloff, we share the same viewpoint :slight_smile:

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What you choose to exclude is as much a statement as what you choose to include.

:mag: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Is that a fake statistic I see? The statistic I just made up that says 100% of all statistics are made up suggests yes!

look at LOTR rings of power… amazon is silenceing the majority because it don’t fit their woke narrative…
blocked all comments when showing it off
wow forums on fire and blizzard is not banning people in last few days which means they know the outrage is the majority but they can’t ban their customers outright because go woke go broke.

all this is is the typical WE LOVE INCLUSION AND DIVERISTY as long as you believe everything “I/WE” exactly believe and any other opinion must be killed off (literally or figuratively).

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Oh yeah it’s totally my own opinion on the matter. Take it how you feel!

Should I just assume that anyone who uses the word woke unironically is a liar who will work backwards from their conclusion on any given issue? Or is that just your thing?

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you literally can not find a video not being ratio on amazon related to lord of the rings…even the Tolkien estate is upset with amazon…

soo many business follow the go woke go broke.

Disney lightyear is big example of this when minions makes more in it’s opening weekend then lightyear did in 3 weeks.

what’s the difference as they both come from strong IP’s? minions is just a dumb-funny family movie, lightyear is spreading “THE MESSAGE”

PEOPLE DON’T WANT TO BE PREACHED TO…they just want to escape and have fun…

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Yes, yes, you’ve demonstrated clearly that you’re up to date with all the latest brainwashing and you’ll make stuff up and lie to push (YOUR MESSAGE).

But that doesn’t answer my question. Is this a you problem or are all of your kin like this?

Oh please, it didn’t make sense why they all white. There is no reason a magical real just only has to have white people in it. Not to mention we literally had human who have had asian sounding names since Vanilla.

Hence why Hearthstone characters need to be added in game. Because of the nature of said game they can be fairly progressive without having to deal with the limitations of WoW story telling:

Cariel Roame - Hearthstone Wiki (fandom.com)