I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

Unlikely… :roll_eyes:

you can pretend im anything you want, doesn’t change the reality of the situation.

whatever… :roll_eyes:

Whats that got to do with this game? Should we represent amputees? Pregnant people without access to abortion? Of course not. A game is an escape from real world issues.

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Sure why not. Warcraft has a lot of violence in it. People are bound to lose limbs in battle and/or to magic and pestilence.


Yeah, some people like to drag it in whether you approve or not, it’s here, you can’t put a stop to it. If you want, report the thread and mute it.

I thought mechagnomes fit into that where they replace flesh with machine?

I would like some peg leg options or metal hand options. That would be cool.

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Isn’t what’s his name in AV wheelchair bound?


There are also blind warriors. Siege of Org and brawlers guild have that.


That I can get behind, would fit the pirate motif really well.

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Oh yeah the old orc. I forgot about him.

The OP actually asked for LGBT representation, not for the game to facilitate conversations about those issues. But also, parents as a class of people probably deserve to be trusted less than almost anyone else to tell kids what they need to know about LGBT issues; historically they’ve done an awful job.

Is it any coincidence that as it has become harder for parents to control what their children learn, tolerance and acceptance of LGBT people has increased?! When people say parents should be allowed to decide when their kids learn about LGBT stuff, they’re thinking less about what is good for society and more about deferring to the unquestioned authority of parents to teach hateful lies to their kids!

i want less


/ten characters

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im straight myself, not that it literally means ANYTHING to anyone on wow, or the entire internet at large. I dont see how “creating special things for a select group” counts as “inclusivity” unless EVERY group across the planet is allowed its own equally sized special event. Otherwise its not so much “equality” then is it?

The best equality is where anyone saying anti-x comments is KO’d from blizzard IP’s for life creating a more open environment for everyone. No one feels “special” and no one feels “left out” its just “a whole bunch of people who want to play wow”. What could be better than that? Isnt that why we are here from the outset?

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…I mean war is a pretty prominent feature of WoW. It’d be a little weird if we didn’t. Also there is an entire tribe of ritual amputee orcs in outlands. They’re called the Shattered Hand Clan. They’re the ones that were strapping blades to the stumps of their arms. Not exactly positive reputation, but then again we’re talking about an injury not an identity so I’m not sure that’s important.

Speaking of which I want you to consider taking some time to just… really reflect upon why you just compared LGBT people existing to grievous injuries and life-altering medical complications.

I rate that comparison an 8/10 on scale from Mr. Rogers to Klandma. Very unsettling.


One Google search will answer that question.

Every game should cater to everyone always. I don’t purchase a video game to step away from reality and just enjoy myself for a while.

I purchase video games to make sure we can discuss fair representation and spend most of the time having well founded discussions.

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I would smite you. But i dont want to get banned.

Sick of seeing these threads.


Plays a Tauren but is a Troll