I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

I know Florida does this event every year… I don’t see people whining about this, especially from the “conservative” thinking folks here. I guess because it shows mostly pretty naked college girls. I bet if there was a bunch of nice looking guys, they would get confused and couldn’t have any of that.

Fantasy Fest Parade of Public Nudity in Key West, Florida

hehehe. Saw a few things from grandma I never wanted to see. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Twitter has videos of it and The Sun has some pictures from this year NYC parade.

Ah “The Sun”, bastion of journalistic integrity.

You guys call out Twitter home for the liberals all the time and scream it’s all fake news, unless they show something that fits your argument and could be taken out of context.

Twitter is a cesspit I don’t hardly ever go on twitter.

I have looked and looked and only thing I saw was some dude in a speedo.

That’s it! Idk what you saw, but I don’t think it was from the parade or was something else that had the parade tag.

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Perhaps I made it sound worse than it actually is – a large portion of that leftover 10% is just stuff that’s bound to happen at any large event, and isn’t exclusive to just pride. Stuff like drunk adults, people openly swearing, large crowds, etc.

Sure, all stuff you may want to keep your kid away from, but it’s also all stuff that happens at sporting events, concerts, even Disney world.

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I guess i got a bit too descriptive on that one post, for that I apologize…

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Why are we making laws that only a stupid church with no idea how science works would want. Ban contraceptives…? Remove same sex marriage…? So much for separate church and state. If we pass this crap then churches should loose their tax exempt status.

They take women’s rights and now these ancient fossils try to put us into further stupidity. This is why there should be term limits for the SC and why we need to get people over the age of skeletons out of there.


It’s the American Taliban movement. There is no difference in Sharia Law and Christian Law. Both want the same thing, to retain power and oppress, and make a boat load of money in the process.

The thing is too there’s a big chunk of Christians that just want everyone to be happy and everyone have equal rights. Only ones not are the old farts that think their poo doesn’t stink and even then it’s only a select bit of old farts.

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yeah, there probably is, but they are not standing up to this mess and putting a stop to it. It’s still Evil if you stand aside and do nothing.

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Yeah I’d seen the similarities of the two they use the oppression to claim it’s “inclusion” they censor as a “respect” yet all it actually is is body shaming females and really causing divide among as many groups socially and politically as possible to keep the population fighting and blaming each other while a government that’s gotten far to power hungry pushes laws that are completely against freedom and human rights.

More and more feels the powers that be are turning into a theocratic monarchy. Where only those in powers words matter. The rest of us all just in the storm.

I hardly think thats true. The majority of the community doesnt care, and you would think the LGBT community wouldnt either. Yes, it is shoved down peoples throats. People need to stop making a big deal about it. Hes gay. Shes gay…so? And? Everyone faces ridicule and challenges. LGBT are not exclusive to this.

Stop looking for validation and acceptance everywhere. You arent going to have everyone like or accept you. The bigger thing is…so what if people dont. If people are strong in their own identity, people wouldnt care one way or another.


It’s also probably something that they just made up. Right-wingers love imagining new things to hate LGBT people for, and they aren’t going to let whether or not those things ever actually happened get in their way

Oh, I don’t doubt you for a second.

edit: sorry…fat fingers and speed typing.

As soon as you can explain why a game targeting unattended 13 year old gamers needs to start or facilitate a conversation about sexuality, gender reassignment, and gender-questioning with adults other than parents.

Oh I know. There’s a lot of stuff to stand up for and fix with LGBTQ folks along with other groups.

How did you get right or left out of that? It’s gross regardless of WHO does that. I’ve seen just as much hate on the left side as I do the right side. It’s on a per person basis and what they believe.

I believe too that a lot of the old farts in congress basically say and do stuff just to appease folks too then can switch at a stop of a dime OR create issues to just mask other stuff.

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Do you interact 13 years olds? Have you seen the metrics from certain sites on the age of those that visit?. Hell, have you listened to their conversations…

Go to the CDC government site, you be surprised how active teen and preteens are. Sorry the idea that all kids are pure like Davey Hansen (look it up), is garbage


ima gay liberal sweetie and no i didnt make it up, how sheltered can you be??