I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

Why are you taking your kids there? If you see it on tv, change the channel. That’s what I get constantly from you people when I mention I don’t like something, change the channel or ignore it.


Also isn’t it from my understanding that most of those parades are just people dressed up in rainbow outfits. If it a kid asks what they a celebrating:

“They are celebrating how they are loved and accepted by others and are able to be who they are.”

Least that’s the way I’ve always seen pride parades portrayed on the internets etc.

Yeah they aren’t that bad. I think a lot of conservatives think of them as the same as a drag show with provocative looking clothes. Just a complete misperception.

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Doesn’t the Q stand for genderqueer or queer? Correct me if I am wrong. The Q is relatively new.

yea just ignore the guy putting a cup under the outdoor urinals and taking a sip after the boys are done.

I go to them, because my niece and nephew are gay. One was outed at 14, and that was a mess to clean up, but he’s doing well now.

My bestie is bisexual so I like to support.

and queer theory is admittedly derived and defined the the observation of failed socialist regimes, its used to target minorities and children to use their identities to destabilize people towards radicalization.

That’s actually quite disgusting for any person, Being gay has nothing to do with that


There are a few concervatives that don’t see it as such. Even then, if someone wants to dress up in drag who cares it’s clothes. They do them. lol I got a picture somewhere of where dad dressed up in drag with a friend of his and rode around on his motorcycle for Halloween. He got fake boobs and everything. xD This was early 1990s.

He said if his friend was still alive he would do it again.


That’s what I thought it meant.

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Omg dude, I’m dying rn :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Edit: my sides hurt from laughing so much

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The messed up part is I’m sure people like they described exist ><’

It really depends on where the pride parade is being hosted and the time of the day, but yeah that’s probably what 90% of pride parades are.

The other 10% is just stuff you’d see at an average mardi gras event, but no one ever talks about how bad mardi gras is because they can’t bring their kids there. :man_shrugging:


you see it on the social media site. My kids however are too busy watching classic Disney films or Paw Patrol. I always wonder how Mayor humdinger manage to avoid jail time up to the PP movie…

There nudity, gimp suit with toys up their rear end and people on leashes at the parade…

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Wtf parades have you been seeing?! I’ve been watching the ones on like NBC.

Sounds like what Poothe said:

Like, idk what in the world you saw but that sounds like it’s an adult only thing.

Sounds like Maudi Gras too… Have you ever been to New Orleans? Parents bring their kids to that. I never see people making a big stink about that…

What the hell are you watching? If you are seeing that, you are actively looking for it.

Um… are you sure you are not watching stag shows?

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clearly you’re aren’t paying attention what goes on with the parade.


Mardi Gras is wild. I can’t go to those parties. Too crowded.

I do pay attention and I’ve never once seen that.

Like even googling it, that didn’t come up.

Edit: I found 1 picture… 1 picture with boobs… that’s it… and even then it’s for a SEPERATE event. It just happens to mention it in the headline only reason it popped up in pictures.

hehe or did everything being flashed start to sag? xD