I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

Weren’t they supposed to expand on Valkyrie (from Thor) possibly being gay? Genuine question, as I really don’t focus on this kind of stuff when it comes to fictional superheroes lol

Yeah, but she also is portrayed as psychotic in an abusive relationship. Not sure if that is something you’d want to associate or use as an example, though it exists in plurality across the spectrum.

I want to see more short gear pieces, shorter dungeons, shorter garrison customizations, shorter raids and more love for the short people community so i can feel welcomed

–Fixed it for you OP.

lol I woke up, then passed out on the couch. I’m just now getting up.

Trying to sleep in bed == can’t sleep.
Sitting on couch == pass out in 5 minutes



Literally what happened with me. Laid on my bed for 2hrs and gave up. Spent 3 hours sleeping on the floor with the doggo to make sure she was alright. woke me up about every 30 or so minutes. so yeah i’m semi coherent today.

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lol right it’s like “why brain…” oh well least I got some rest.

It’s almost 4 p.m. though so my sleep schedule is all screwed up now lol

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Yeah, i feel that. I have another long night ahead of me lmao, plus college stuff. i need an espresso machine lmao.

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I feel ya on that. I’m having energy drinks to wake up (I know not healthy at all) then I should do the mowing lol

I have assignments to do too which I was going to do today but that went out the window.

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ooof, yeah, I did 10 of them today for a 5 week course. Essay due on the 13th. I still can’t believe I’m awake, I was about to fall asleep 2 hours ago… missed opportunity :cry:

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So do I. Read the responses here to to see why it’s necessary.

The majority of this thread and this community are homophobic and transphobic. It’s not even worth debating the people here. WoW players hate LGBTQ+ people openly and LGBTQ+ people can’t even exist without ridicule. We’re not shoving it down your throats. We’re trying to exist without being made fun of. And that means being in our own communities cause all of yall are a bunch of homophobic/transphobic rednecks, apparently.

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This is a ridiculous take. LGBT are widely accepted in the USA. If that weren’t the case, pride month wouldn’t even be possible. Pride month is a LOT, even for people who are fully accepting of your choices. This forever victim stuff is getting the backlash it deserves.

Also calling anyone who disagrees with you a redneck isn’t the take you think it is, that’s pretty non-inclusive thing to say. Insulting people is rarely the way to get them to accept you.


Who said we hate them? I don’t hate them

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Pride month…my lease favorite monthly event.

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That’s just not true. Acceptance rate of homosexuality specifically has hovered around 60-70%, according to census and GSS data.

Pride month exists because we as LGBTQIA fight for it every year. It has nothing to do with other people’s “acceptance,” which isn’t nearly as universal as you think it is.

Just 4 minutes after your post:

I got a nice comfy chair I sit in, 15 minutes, I am OUT… When I go to bed, I toss and turn and wake up every two hours. I usually end up in the chair at night with the TV on.

Yeah I was going to mention that, too. Not great for my point. At the very least, LGBT people are widely accepted among my circle* sigh.

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lawl sounds about right.

Yeah I have a memory foam bed all this fancy stuff… can’t get to sleep.

The couch I think I have better head / back arching because it’s a reclining couch so what I may need to do is elevate one part of my bed up slightly OR get a blocky type of pillow instead of a super soft pillow.

I generally ignore people like that, and certainly don’t hang out with them. Don’t need that kind of negativity.

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My issue with pride month is the pride parade. I don’t find it appropriate for kids.