I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

Youre spare parts arent ya bud

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A lot of straight people want more LGBT representation as well. Most of the people who write Wrathion x Anduin fanfic are almost certainly straight (or perhaps bi) girls, not gay men (although I approve of all gay WoW ships, especially that one)

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I highly doubt that majority of the WoW commuinty would support that.

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Given the small percentage of people in the world who are actually LGBTQ, and of that percentage the percentage of LGBTQ who actually play WoW, I’d said there is a fair representation of said group in game.

I mean there isn’t any straight pride events in game so maybe that category isn’t very well represented in game and needs more.


People who are homophobic can just choose not to interact with gay NPCs so it doesn’t really matter if most of the WoW community is so homophobic that it’s against more LGBT representation!

Blizzard may suffer the consequences if they fully go that route.

This may be true, most of the readers of gay romance are indeed straight women.

I don’t actually think most people care that much. Most people just want a good story and good game play regardless of what the characters end up being. The outrage machine is a tiny, tiny portion of any given community.

Tell that to Netflix.

Netflix suffered for many reasons outside of the scope of this conversation. They took a shotgun approach to content and went with volume over quality. Sure, some of their shows were hits, but that’s going to happen when you shotgun enough content out. Due to its position as first to market and the saturation that occurred prior to any competition having time to catch up, and they have, they were over valued. What happened was a market correction and not because they had “Too much LGBT content and people got big mad”

Why in the world would there be a straight pride event?

Even a gay pride event wouldn’t make sense in World of Warcraft because there is no homophobia. Goodness, what an unbelievable take.

You lost the context by cherry picking the punch line.

Netflix is in trouble for securities fraud and lying to investors, not for being “woke”.

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No, the context from your comment is that there is adequate representation due to the low percentage of LGBTQ+ individuals in the general population. Which is such an asinine view.

However, then you veered off and made some outlandish statement about straight pride.

No. You are overrepresented everywhere else. If I believed media I would have to conclude that 2/3 of the world is gay

If Netflix isn’t doing well it probably has more to do with the fact that there are a bunch of other streaming platforms now. I remember Netflix actually had like a dedicated LGBT section of their website back when they were primarily a DVD rental service. Blockbuster wasn’t on Netflix’s level when it came to LGBT pandering, and which one went out of business?!

A little bit of an exaggeration but yes. If you watch new shows you’d think America was 15% white and half of us were LGBT. It was a bit of an over correction from the 2020 stuff.

And you attribute it to that? Are you high. Getting movies sent to their door, so fat butts didn’t have to get out and get their own is what killed Blockbuster.

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I wouldn’t know that because I don’t watch TV (nobody does really, except maybe old people—watching shows like Better Call Saul on Netflix doesn’t count), but how many MCU superheroes are LGBT? It’s like zero last time I checked (which was a couple years ago, which was the last time anyone cared about the MCU, so now if they come out with LGBT superheroes it doesn’t even count because it’s too late)

What news shows are you watching?

I bet some of these folks complained about the new Ms. Marvel being a young muslim woman. :roll_eyes: