I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

You’re right (oops used write before) he didn’t say it. He wrote it. See what I linked you above.

I don’t believe he wrote it sorry.

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You do realize that is from the government… right? Supremecourt.gov is a federal website.

IF you don’t believe it, write them a letter asking if they wrote it.


Just checked the site thank you, but didn’t see or couldn’t find where he said he was gong to do this.

Which one? The one I just linked to mail them if you don’t believe them asking if it was written or this pdf from the supreme court?

IF you read all that, I’m impressed. It’s a 200 page + document.

A quick skim over isn’t going to do it justice. You have to read the entire thing.

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He stated in that paper that the SCOTUS should look at those cases again, he didn’t state that they will or should overturn those cases.

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Okay I found it and while I disagree with his stance, he is saying he would leave it to the states. I just can’t imagine any state doing this. Thanks for the links I appreciate it.

Yeah, I just saw that. Thank you for the info.

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Np, thank Maizou I pulled it from their links xD.

Heads up when you click on an article if the text in the article is a different color, it usually means a full PDF or other document is there to be read. A lot of people miss those and a lot of the “we studied x amount of people” if you click those, you can actually read the full study instead of just reading the news article.

But yeah if it was left to the states though, there is a law on the texas books with what Maizou was explaining. It is an old law but it’s still in the books. Lot of states have old laws that are massively outdated but you know how that goes.

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Appreciate the advise, thank you amigo!

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Hey np. Yeah I would def give it a read and I think the other link I linked you has references etc on it from the supreme court.

I would check the links given by Maizou just for the little special links I told ya about. Some of em are pretty interesting.

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I doubted it, because I can’t believe people especially in our highest of courts still think this way, but The More You Know.

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Yep, and it’s crazy too.

Also I believe newspapers / online news sources are legally held accountable for anything they link / post so if something isn’t quoted exactly from whatever they are linking, it can be considered uh… oh what’s the word. I can’t think of it! ><

DEFAMATION that’s it.

If it’s accurate they are fine, but if they knowingly put out false info, that protection from defamation goes out the window.


Means Lettuce, Guacamole, Bacon, and Tomato quickly. It’s what you say when you want a BLT with guac very fast.

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That’s right. IIRC Guild Wars 2 had one of these if you played a sylvari and pick a certain personal story path (the one with the green knight). That’s one thing GW2 did better than WoW: have some characters that aren’t both str8 and cis. (WoW had 0 or close to 0 until SL)

In fact the GW2 wiki has a “queer characters” tag with a list of like 40 NPCs. That game has only been out since Mists of Pandaria so it’s slightly more than half WoW’s age

since when did the world of warcraft become the world of earth?? we need more human representation dammit!!

Just play the game dude


posts like these remind you why wow never gets new players and just sits stagnant with thesame old people who play and then the ones who do come back at new expac unsub again once they realize why they quit.


umm im sorry thats just incorrect XD

