I want more LGBTQ representation in wow


idc what you do when it comes to your sex i do care when i have to be told about it every 30 seconds . its like you all scream for nonstop 24hr attention… you are nothing special or a snowflake you are like everyone else. nothing unique at all because you choose to identify with a lamppost or a rock… this whole Mental Health crisis is getting out of hand…


And full of gaslighting activists apparently too.

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It’s the Alphabet Gang.

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People asking for a main character who is gay doesn’t equate to “being told about it every 30 seconds”.

Do you play Overwatch? I hope you don’t because their poster child is gay.

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Because that matters when you’re pushing a cart down a hallway.

You’re right! It doesn’t matter. So, if there is a gay main character in WoW it won’t matter. :slight_smile:

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idc whos gay you miss read what i typed… the fact i have to hear about it on TV in Movies in video games on social media at the restraunt i go to… do you hear me rambling on how i need any more straight characters or more men or how about more lesbian woman or how about more drugs because i happen to like drugs. do you see this i need attention thing getting out of hand?

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maybe if it farts rainbows

You can tell me the moon was made of cheese and it would have the same relevance.

Go level a TBC character and you’re about halfway there.

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Troll thread, yes.
Representation in pixels needed, no.
June is over, indeed.


Yes, the same relevance to you. So given that you do not care one bit, you wouldn’t be opposed to having a gay main character in World of Warcraft.

Glad we worked that out.


why does it matter who is sleeping with what with you folks?


i think we need a All Black/Asian Expansion before we get more gays and trans

Then you don’t need one, since it’s so irrelevant.

Why does it matter? Because it’s nice for people to see others like them in art.

Would you have the same opinion if Blizzard didn’t have a diverse group of guards?

So, I’m assuming when this happened your opinion was “why does it matter?”


You mean LGBTQ has nothing to do with cooking Baine

Damn all this time I thought it meant

Que as in Barbeque




it was IRDGAF same with all you rainbow mafia folks… i identify as IDGAF