I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

Nah. I think it’s honestly 100% pandering. They are afraid to do anything in fear of cancel culture. Anyways, just another one to mute.


Who isn’t? Honestly, the way you get dogpiled for expressing anything outside of the popular norm into “changing” your view, at least in the public space. Coercion of thought is at all time highs.

Not that it hasn’t always existed in some capacity. Schools teach conformity to “norms”.

Okay, and I will ask. And if that’s the only reason they give me, I’ll mark it down as a bad answer and deliver them mild criticism based upon their weird behavior. =)

Do you think that they are above criticism?

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Uh, why not? As an author, I can create any universe I want. It’s my IP, and therefore I create the rules. If you don’t like my universe, then you are free to not read it or support me. This is called the free market. Similarly, there is nothing stopping you (or others) from making their own universes that include or exclude whatever you want.

Forcing people to include things that, for one reason or another, they don’t want to include, has never been cool. And that is what this issue really falls to: forcing inclusion when authors don’t want it/doesn’t make sense in the universe.

As an author, you will endure criticism just as every artist has done throughout the entirety of history. I promise it will not kill you.

Nobody is above criticism. I do think some criticism is more valid than others though. Twitter has everyone thinking their opinion matters. My opinion on medical related things as not a doctor don’t matter that much. It matters about as much as someone’s opinion on someone else’s creation or art. It’s theirs to make, and you either consume/enjoy it or don’t. As is your choice. Your criticism of the thing doesn’t invalidate its right to exist.

Sounds like reverse gender psychology. I now claim all are gay until said otherwise. All your cities all belong to us!

Now here have a rainbow cupcake and a Capri sun. Cuz you are just wonderful!

Cool, then let people criticize series for a weird lack of LGBT people without being weird about it. Unless of course their criticism is factually incorrect, in which case you can feel free to correct them. It’s not a big deal.

It would be weird if a show had no straight people too, y’know.

I know, and I never said I was above criticism. However, there is a difference from structured criticism and downright forcing an author to include something.

Example of criticism: “Author’s world building is rather poor. Reasons for x are not settled upon, and it seems as though the author makes things up on the fly while forgetting previous things. Also, would appreciate to have some x type of characters put into the story. Do not recommend.,”

Example of non-criticism: “Author x, who lives at this address, married to this individual, whose kids also go to x school, doesn’t believe that y people should exist. Everybody should go to the school, his work, his wife’s place of employment, and demand that they be fired. Stake out their lawn and demand that they change z in said book!”

Alright I’ve spent enough energy on this topic. Be kind everyone <3


Has someone threatened harm unto you or your family for not doing this? Please clarify what you mean when you say “force”.

As a trans woman I am already represented by my Pandaren character. I’m more interested in engaging with fantasy for fantasy’s sake, rather than obsessing over such a minor detail in my life.


But that’s what the LGBTQ community wants is everyone to cave to their demands… i can show a million of examples so lets not even go no we dont because yes you all do

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Well then both sides are clearly demanding irreconcivably different things. At this point the ball then goes to the court of the devs./creatives to decided if they will or wont do it and then up to us to decided if we will or wont support it. Sounds like business as usually.

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It’s rated T for teen, so that wouldn’t be appropriate, methinks.

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This one understands how business operates.

This thread is full of homophobes and transphobes being very public. WoW as a trans person is awful. I’ve been told to kill myself. I’ve been called many slurs. The sexism is also just endless. WoW does need more LGBTQ+ representation and sadly this discussion is almost impossible here because the community (most of you in this thread) are horrible bigots.


Ah, Moon Guard. That’ll do it.


Thankfully, I don’t have to listen or obey the new “normal”.

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