I Want Babies

No bubbles bursted because that’s precisely my point.

Real babies are so much werk werk. Why would you want them in a game?

Playable Rexar inc?

Could I use the kids in pet battles?

Only if they’re ugly.

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I will only support this is if I can summon an evil horde of zombie children carrying knives.

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But you can’t have babies, Stan. Where is the fetus going to gestate? Are you going to keep it in a box?

Just another ridiculous request to waste precious development time on things related to “real life simulator” instead of some awesome fantasy game content.

Sorry you only want content that suits you instead of those of us who may only ever be able to experience having a family through a video game.

On the other hand, maybe I could find a rich sugar mama and get all the mounts I’ve been missing.

You’re right. I want good content not hello kitty island adventure family edition. Strange I want that from an rpg about killing monsters and saving the world.

You have your opinion and stated yours already. It’s a public forum. I’m stating my opinion. That is all.

Don’t need to with the opposite sex to have kids. You could just adopt or have a surrogate mother.

You have played too much of The Sims.

Beak makes the same thread with a slight spin, just about every day now.

True… but my method has less paperwork.

…Yeah lets bring little Timmy with us to go kill the next BBEG. Maybe let them tag along on a mini griffin as we fly into a fight?

No. Just no.

We brought orphans into battlegrounds and that seemed to work out just fine. :man_shrugging:

You can raise mounts. Do you have all the mounts you get by feeding the babies? By the time you get your mount you’re glad to be done with the project.

Real life: Cats are better than children because when you’re tired of playing with them you can drop them on the floor and walk away.

I had to check and see if it is Sunday,um no. First it was consorts and now babies anything else folks want to throw into GD today?

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You… you don’t bring your Argent Squire with you to destroy evil?

How will your Squire ever acquire the skills necessary to be a true champion of the Light?

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