I Want Babies

Is that troll in Nagrand? with all the babies and a small cemetery in the back?

This gif reminded me of that…


Crotch Goblins as an Allied Race!

Sorry hun, I’m gonna be late getting home. I gotta slay 900 raptoras for a mount. Then me and the guys are gonna go dancing at Darkmoon bar and try to win us some tickets to see a death metal band. I mean, I might die and my insurance policy doesn’t cover death in the Shadowlands, but hey…live la vida loca no?

:white_square_button: :purple_square: :white_square_button: :purple_square: :white_square_button: :purple_square:

LFG to grind babies.

That’s not what I meant lol

They’d be smaller than most pebbles lol

No babies.

Thank you.

humanbeak is cleaning up their image, that’s a bit unfair

And I was like baby, baby, baby, oh
Like baby, baby, baby, no
Like baby, baby, baby, oh
I thought you’d always be mine, mine

LOL what are we trying to make this world of Simcraft…?

Go play the sims for this barbie play time.

Could see it now. "sorry guys gotta hearth for 30 min my babies hunger is on CD and if I don’t feed it then it’ll die, I’ll be virtually imprisoned unable to play my toon for a year, my in game wife will divorce me and take half my gold! BRB!


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Pff…filthy casual

Test Your Might

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Sorry to burst your bubble but even though you can get married in ff14 you can’t have babies in that game either.

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No. Just no. I had to deal with crazy people telling everyone in public areas to be quiet in second life because their “baby” was sleeping. Go play an RP game.

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That’s creepy and weird

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can i be your baby

you saying you wanna marry an npc, be unable to play your character for 9 months, and eventually come back to find a new little baby npc wanderin around with you?

man, how’s that gonna work-out if you/we-all don’t have a house to raise’em in??

logistically, i don’t see it happening. you’d be spending 1000s of gold on diapers, baby food, baby clothes/armor, dealing with weird baby-issues depending on the baby’s race- it sounds more like a pain than something fun to me…

Le 56% face

Hello, weekly reminder that i am looking for a good home that can throw gold at me and buy me nice things ty