I Want Babies


There should be a Den of Mortal Delights in both Orgrimmar and Stormwind staffed and run by Sayaad and Shivarra who no longer serve the Burning Legion and offer their services in exchange for small amounts of life-force to sustain themselves.

Youre a human.

Get that.

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If it’s like the black temple I’ll pass those ladies are vicious.

Stop it, you’re making me hungry.

My squire turned to an orc when I faction changed and never followed back. So he can stay zugging lol

That’s a bug, an old one actually. I know because it’s one of the reasons I will never faction change again. They can fix that for you if you want:

Only if I can then eat said babies.

:notes: “Om nom nom, baby. On nom nom, baby.” :notes:

Maybe put a suit on. You’re dressed like a child.

Dear lord no. I don’t want to pop any out RL so there’s no way I’d want it in game.

Seems thing just kinda don’t need to be in a game >.<

This could be a cool way to introduce other races to classes they might not have access too.

Basically, you’re raising an alt from infancy. They could squire for you as they get older and eventually migrate to a player characters slot.

Could open up new half-races, too. Could be cool.

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I’m actually surprised we can’t get a “pet” orphan from the children’s week holiday. They could even pair it with the 3 year achievement.

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/Takes a step back

I do not volunteer as tribute…

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Only if Tauren and Gnomes can marry and have unholy abominations of offspring, the game needs more humor.