I Want Babies

If they were dogs they would be well conditioned by now, but sadly they are merely human.

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If only it actually worked that easy!

Conversely, itā€™s also probably good for some folks that itā€™s not.

A gnome dressed up in a cute mog would be close enough, yes?
Iā€™m sure there are some that would gladly take your cash to RP as one for you.

This can go wrong in so many ways

For my wife and I it didā€¦ I was kinda hoping for months of trying nightlyā€¦ After only month she was late and that was that.


Why would you wanna ā€“ never mind, whatever. Realistically? Iā€™m not for it. If you wanna go that route, go on an RP realm and make a family with another player and do the rolls for it and all this other stuff. And I can say that, because Iā€™m an RPā€™er.

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Reminds me of a D&D Player I knew back in the late 1980s. He was obsessed with role playing pregnancy and would harangue DMs to allow it in their games. He wanted to role play from conception to birth. I thought about it briefly, but the guy was REALLY creepy and disturbing, and my lady players would make a stink.

Did find this thoughā€¦

At least wine and dine me first.

Make the goblin king happys


RP Servers are there for a reason, go for it

Fine marriage and kids but for each child you have you get a 3% stat reduction. Because it take time and effort to raise those little crotch goblins.

donā€™t we already have Gnomes for humans and goblins for orcs? Just play the correct race and you can have little ones.

Or try FFXIV and adopt a lalafel

backs away slowly from the OP and runs out of the threadā€¦


Yeah FFXIV have babies. They are called Lalas.
And NO Iā€™m not interested in marriage, or babies in this game whatsoever. People from FFXIV are really trying hard to pervert this game.
If youā€™re really that hard up for a house and ERP, then get yourself on Moonguard and go to goldshire there. Iā€™m sure you will get tons of attention.

Fine. All children in the forum will be sired by the cookie gnome.


People can barely control their minds during the Orphan event. Giving them real kids wouldnā€™t be wise.

First how on Azeroth would we even see Goblin,Vulpera and Gnome babies?
Iā€™d be afraid Iā€™d step on them and squish them.

But seriously, just no,no,no and no.

The Sims has what you are looking for, couples, babies,houses. Imagine how bad kids act in the Simsā€¦ They could only be even worse little monsters here. Murlocs would look tame compared to Undead babies.


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