I Want Anduin and Sylvanas To End Up Together

This is the correct level of discourse.

This is the only valid discourse.


This is an hilariously stupid idea in all the ways that can exist under the sky.

So that’s why I’m imagining it happening but Sylvanas being absolutely tsundere about it.

Complete with Sylvanas openly denying everything, Anduin being 100% oblivious, and Nathanos being there crying in the corner.

Sell the idea to Japan and make it a light novel.

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I had never thought of Sylvy x Jaina.

I think Proudrunner might be an acceptable outcome, but Wyrnnrunner has chemistry on-screen. It feels oh so wrong and oh so right.

Until I see them banter amidst feisty fireballs and beautiful banshee screams I will believe you are rooting for second best.

But I am open to having my mind changed. This has potential.

Any ship is 100% all about that satisfying BANTER.


That’s the reason I have to hold off on Proudrunner. I could see it working well in my mind, but I have to see it to believe in it.

I’m open to it. The Icy Mage and Banshee Queen, hypothetically could work amazingly.

But I do already believe in Wrynnrunner. The chemistry is there. We all know it.


Sadly I’m a dirty canon ship shipper. And Madeline Roux’s weird hot take epilogue blew that ship right out of the water.

I may be considering other options too.

It shouldn’t be surprising by my cluelessness to most things, but what’s a dirty canon ship shipper?

(Not intending to kink-shame, but reading that term made me blush)

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It’s just someone who accepts the canon ship being presented and doesn’t have the imagination to stray outside of that parameter.

Nothing kinky about it, it just seems looked down upon in fandom circles. Fanon ships are regarded as better quality, and they are! because they are unencumbered by what the writers choose to write, so they are more popular.

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Won’t lie, for some reason I’m somewhat disappointed by that definition. That could have gone in so many directions.

I’m pretty good with Thalyssra and Lor’themar.

I was a fan of Jaina and Thrall but that was before super mopey Thrall and … well it just failed to live up to my expectations.

That’s the problem with canon baited ships. They often fall short. The Sylvania fandom is always buzzing with new ideas, and fandon discussion. Fanon is where it’s at if you want to be a happy shipper :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I thought a Canon Ship Shipper would be someone who ships ships. As in actual transport craft. What if Jaina’s Kul Tiran Flagship fell in love with the Horde Blimp at the Battle of Lordaeron?

I could see it now… :

Horde Blimp: “Wow, I never saw a ship up here in the sky that had such… masts!”

Kul Tiran Flagship : “The view is quite beautiful up here. Your curves are elegant yet functional.”

The Horde Blimp blushes a deeper shade of red.

Horde Blimp: “It appears we are on different sides in a war that will see the destruction of whole cities. Our love was not meant to be…”

Kul Tiran Flagship: “We could just… dump them all off, and fly away together…”

Horde Blimp: “What?!? But they are powerful and important people who depend on us to get them from place to place? How can we betray that trust?”

Kul Tiran Flagship: “We are pretty high up. We could just… shake them off… and end this war… and be together!”

And the cinematic ends with everyone on board being bucked off into the sinking blighted ruins of Lordaeron, as the two ships sail into the sunset.


That was better romance than anything Blizzard ever wrote.

wipes tear

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Okay, hear me out. They both had traumatic experiences with the same man who they refuse to talk about with anybody.

Now picture them fighting and hating each other at first, until they realize much of their pain is from a similar source, and much of that pain manifests in similar ways: through hiding beneath a cloak of immense power and responsibility until any mortal emotion is necessarily quashed. It’s perfect.

Plus, they’re both if not the same age, at least around the same level of life experience. Jaina’s in her mid-30s by now, whereas Anduin is like 18 or 19. Sylvanas is like 1000 years old in human years, but in elf years let’s maybe say she’s like 30-40. If I was that old, the last romantic prospect I’d be sniffing around is some sniveling little Hansel who not two seconds ago was still latched to his concussion-prone mommy and explosion-prone daddy.

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Both Legion cinematics for each faction have been out for ages now, Sylvanas may have done horrible things - But that wasn’t one of them.

She had to choose between Varian, or the heads of the Horde leaders being mounted on fel-pikes as the Legion made their souls play-things. Sylvanas made the right call that day.


Yeah but that confirms even more they’d be a poor match, gotta put your partner’s interests and feelings before other things in love. :stuck_out_tongue:

I would love for the two to be together.

Together in a shallow grave.


Regardless, she made a decision that BY AND LARGE contributed to Varian dying. It’s not rly something romantic partners share, LOL. That was my point. I’m not here to argue wether or not what she did was morally wrong, I’m here to tell OP how ridiculous his ship is. :joy_cat:

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Sylvanas and Tyrande all the way.

I want Anduin to be shipped off a cliff and out of the story.

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Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.

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