I Want Anduin and Sylvanas To End Up Together

Anduin I believe is the single biggest issue with the story that is only getting worse. He is a black hole of writing and everything circles around him and is eventually destroyed. The sooner the writers realize this the better chance they have of saving the game.

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lol, a black hole of writing? How? :joy_cat: Pls, rly, I’m actually dying to hear how a literal puppy dog is ruining your game.

Easy, the writers have made him the Protagonist.

Need to give him a proper villian and Motivation, better have Sylvanas put in charge kill all night elves.

Need to make him leader of the Alliance without reason. Better kill off his father and have him made leader of the Alliance for reasons.

Need him to have a a group of cheerleaders who follow his every word, Better write Saurfang, baine, thrall, Jaina and Genn as little followers who dote on him and follow everything he says.

Need him to be center of the story next expac, Easy have Sylvanas kidnap him and personally torture him like he is the key to everything in the universe if he changes sides.

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Hmm, I see but that being said if they knew the full-picture it’d be more understood. Additionally if they were to retain the mindset of that logic, Velen made the decision not to talk his kin further out of joining the Legion 40,000 years ago / taking the bargain of Sargeras and is therefor contributed ‘BY AND LARGE’ for the fallout, and responsible for the actions of the Eredar as one of their former leaders.

He’s a good protagonist. Die mad about it.

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