I Want Anduin and Sylvanas To End Up Together

It’s not gonna happen in canon OP but I’ve got some good news for you about the pairing’s popularity in the “fan art” scene


Admittedly, yes, I am new to the lore forums. Y’ALL A BIT FREAKY, but you’re cool. :sunglasses:

Sylvanas can have a secret fondness (in the sense that she doesn’t want to admit it to herself) for Anduin without it being romantic or sexual. It’s clearly the case that she just thinks he’s interesting and respects him, she’s just too edgy to acknowledge it.


Anduin X Wrathion forever! Friends to enemies to lovers trope trump them all. Just ask Red and Blue from pokemon.


I’m something of a dirty Tess x Anduin shipper myself.

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Wrathduin is an acceptable second choice. Wrynnrunner is still the number one ship, but I offer no hate or vitriol to Wrathduin.

Grandblade, that is not at all Grand. You are hence forth Mediocreblade.



Probably what I liked most about the BfA cinematic too, even though it might be of dubious canon and was just a “rule of cool” hype trailer, but I did think it was as early as there that made Sylvanas think “Okay, maybe this little lion cub isn’t such a pushover after all”.

Also, if Anduin x Sylvanas doesn’t happen, I will settle for Anduin x Jaina.

You know many will not agree with this. But Anduin and Sylvanas makes Medan look like a fantastic character.

Hell he also appears weak and feeble.

Its kinda funny what a couple of expansions can do…

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Nah, Anduin had a thing for Draenei lady. My bet is on Anduin x Yrel.

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Well, the funny part about this is that afaia that would be lore-accurate.

Sylvanas supposedly tried to change something in her life, be it an odd Vereesa story, or interactions with Nathanos. But ultimately, those could not do anything since undead are a special kind of creatures.

So, what could atually change Sylvanas if she would want to change? Well, according to a summary in a wowpedia forsaken article:

Record of undead emoting positive emotions are rare, though there are reports, however, that some Forsaken have slowly experienced a sharpening of their dulled senses of touch, smell, etc., as well as an increase in the flashes of positive emotions that have otherwise become so rare since their fall into undeath, when influenced by the Holy Light. The drawback however, is that they also become disgusted with themselves and are likely to increase attempts at their own self-destruction; for regaining these senses would force the undead to smell their own rotting flesh, taste the decay in their mouths and throats, and even feel the maggots burrowing within their bodies.

And yes, Anduin, trained by Velen, has strong ties to Light. So, being frequently next to Anduin could indeed lift some effects of being undead.

It’s not all rainbows and unicorns though, as restoring a more full range of emotions could make her able to realise what she did from perspectives now avalable to Sylvanas before. So, if she would continue existence and follow that path, it could end up being full of mysery for her.

gl hf


See? We have layers, people.


Forsaken are like onions.


He’s like ~20 years old; she’s like 2800 years old.

He’s a human servant of the light; she is an undead elf who works for WoW Satan and would be harmed by the light every time Anduin used it.

It’s a match made in WoW Hell! LITERALLY!

And their child… a miracle since undead cannot procreate… would be the future ruler of Warcraft 2.

Is it weird that I feel like Baine would end up still being the kid’s uncle and spending time around the couple? Because I feel like Baine would sign up to being a living floor rug in Anduin’s home.

Whoa now. This is NOT an acceptable option.


If Anduin can hold off the Jailer’s power long enough for the PC to escape WoW Hell and Sylvanas can do all the things she’s done, I do not doubt they can make a half-undead Paladin Priest Dark Ranger Necromancer Rogue baby.


I’ve never played Dungeons and Dragons - I have no friends - but I feel like somewhere a game master is crying over how to handle a character of that immense power level.


I actually hate Sylvy x Andy because I’m rooting for Sylvy x Jaina. It will never happen in ten thousand years, I’m fairly certain Jaina and Sylvanas have never exchanged words, and they’ve been in the same room maybe twice. But my heart wants what it wants.

(Plus, just going by raw numbers, Sylvaina is FAR MORE popular than Sylvanduin. Sylvanas is extremely popular with the lesbians for reasons I don’t think I need to explain. :two_women_holding_hands: )


Eh, I can see the chemistry tho.

I do enjoy the parallels between them. There is affection there on her end for sure.

I think he reminds her of her fool, living self. Which will be a good thing when she eventually saves him from the Jailer.



alright maybe not heretic completely

If the past four years have taught me anything, the truth is not popular.

Wrynnrunner is truth.
Proudrunner is… Also maybe truth, but not as much truth.