I waited so long to play Wrath of the Lich King again and I only got to play it for a year

What? You can go together, carpool save on gas.

You can false report all you want, safe space required for you. Too soft for any real conversation. Thats you, thats fine.

If and when I were to snitch on you, I would admit to your face that it was me and I would want you to know it was me. When it comes to battle, I’m direct like that.

But I don’t want to go LF WSG, AB, like I had to for dungeons, like you still have to for raids.

they’ll just spin up a fresh one eventually

There will be a LFG system, you sign up and they invite or not. Dont have to spam chat.

Lmao alright :+1:

But it’s not X-realm/server automated.

Literally quoting to you how you broke the rule, nothing false about that but you can keep crying :upside_down_face:

Who knows, we might get the xrealm retail one lol. Ya not automated though.

Idk i just figured, honestly, it would be exactly the importance of battlegrounds you wanted

We will gladly pay.


yupppp, as long as we keep a wrath era realm

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  1. No you didn’t, you “literally” just failed to.
  2. Instead of a refute you comment back with this nothing. Its over.
  3. Ill probably, definitely, be suspended. Blizz has about zero competence. Can’t expect them to suss out the right & wrong of anything.
  4. I might cry daily & log my experiences in a book titled “Injustice” a forum tale as old as time.

Yup, Good luck on the next journey o7

Yeah, i mean or don’t be a soft person that cant handle the tiniest amount of pushback. Technically all i did was state a completely factual thing & you want me banned lmao its ok i will persevere where your fragile psyche did not.

still commenting :yawning_face:

Doesn’t seem like that "persevere " is holding out

No, I already said why I’m doing this.

You even commented on it. Did you already forget? Should get that looked at.

What a sleeper post. Thanks for saying a single sentence and not elaborating further. Where did I miss the point? Idk, and idk if you know either.

It’s weird how you come to my level and yet are trying to ride a high horse by waving the rules infront of me lmao.

Oh no another vacation from the forums. The tragedy. Idk how ill cope :frowning:

wish you the best of luck with that o7

See you later space cowboy o7

Ill be back next week, but seriously :point_down:

Stay hypocritical lmao

cope :yawning_face:


Broken within 100 posts. Too easy.

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It would be tragic to lose WotLK. Presundering era is BiS.

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terminally online :clown_face:

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