I waited so long to play Wrath of the Lich King again and I only got to play it for a year

Mocking someone isnt trolling. Youre one of the guys reporting every negative response arent you lmfao :clown_face:

Thats what the automated system is for, yes, thats not what im saying.

You wouldn’t WANT random spec/class/geared partners when its tied to your rating & progress. Yolo low rated is fine, but that fills instantly too.

If you like RBGs & wanted to get higher rated youd pick certain classes. Ie. Blood dk incase you get a FC map, hunters to sit bases, a rogue to float ninja etc there’s lots of roles. Getting a random collection of overlapping classes & roles isn’t going to reflect well in the rated part of Rbgs.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The terms clearly cover that it is.

Mocking some1 can be construed as a form of harassment, especially when you’re confirming that you use it in that matter with that quoted statement. ^^

Like the mage B4 you, you got your vacation coming to you.

Like I said, you have no understanding whatsoever of why I use the queue systems in the first place.

Your laugher emotes are trolling, making fun at my expense. Enjoy your vacation :nerd_face:

Lmfao see how absolutely braindead that is? Trolling by definition is not that.

And LIKE I SAID thats not what im talking about. There are plenty of remedial highschool level reading comprehension courses you can sign up for online.

Feel free to report it as such. If you really think you have a case.

You admitted to mocking someone in those literal words. If I were doing it to you which for the record let me state that I’m not, I wouldn’t state such a thing.

You came here first and suggested RBGs as a solution. Seems like you knew what type of player I was already and are just trolling, but I’m sure that wasn’t your intention.

No i didnt? I was talking about the mages response. Again, take my advice above.

Dont bother mate, there are people who accept reality and then there are most of the blind defenders here who will say idiotic things like “but those quests suck” so saying all quests are not there is somehow justified.

No, i literally know what kind of player you are and genuinely thought you could look forward to RBGs since you hate arena & cata makes BGs an important part of the game again.

You people are the worst, the oversensitive Flaco above as well. Just perpetual victims & go to blizzard to report anything & everything under the sun. Gross.

I’ll concur, perhaps you didn’t directly; but, you provided evidence to suggest your intentions…

Not me. I wouldn’t want to stop you from saying buffoonery and entertaining me.

That reply wasnt to you

reading comprehension is tough :clown_face:

Mocking someone isnt any of that. Also if the message isnt JUST pure mockery & also has other things to say it doesnt fit any of that either. Nice comprehension.

One of the reasons I dislike arena, and not skirmishes mind you, is because it’s unqueuable through X-realm/server automation. How blind are you to not see that and still suggest RBGs as a solution?

Which BGs? you forgot to state which kind. Can’t argue with your ambiguousness sorry.

If you were trying to sell RBGs to me as a highlight to get me to play Cata, you’re only encouraging me not to try Cata.

Literally 1 word before you quoted that mid sentence told you im refering to rated battlegrounds. Since they are rated, now bgs are important again.

You really lack comprehension,

what is mocking, google says

mocking is the act of insulting or making light of a person or other thing

Now let’s read the rule together again

Now let’s read that last part again together

your welcome :clown_face:

Ahh, and you throw my random BGs under the bus all at the same time as if they’re beneath contempt.

I don’t ask permission to fight in the battlefield; sorry, it’s why I don’t do RBGs.

I don’t even like running dungeons that way and they just made me play 3/4s of the game without RDF.

Or making light of a person. Laughing at them is mockery. Making fun of their point or thought process. Insulting them is before the OR. If i insulted you id call you something derogatory. Again its ALMOST like we can all read.

Now I see why your panicking so much and trying to cover for them/ yourself, enjoy the upcoming vacation Thugatron. :saluting_face:

Yes, that’s pretty accurate GJ

But to your 2nd sentence, i really dont understand the Wafectus ways lol. Figured the battlegrounds you love give the gear like you always wanted would be right up your alley. Never did i imagine something as little as the way you get into them being the hold up lol oh well.

Thanks for reporting me though im sure i deserved it & youre not just some dude holding onto blizzards leg taddling at everything.