I waited so long to play Wrath of the Lich King again and I only got to play it for a year

So you want a hardcore wotlk server?

Because that’s what you’re comparing it to…

We know because there is no tbc server and the regular classic servers are dead.

This is Public information


The guild I’m part of in Classic Era is not on a hardcore server and is doing full MC runs every week, and it’s not even the premier horde raiding guild, which is doing Naxx clears. There are others as well These are 40 man dungeons were talking about. Alliance on the same server routinely fills SW around the AH and bank throughout the day, and there is a ton of competition for quest mobs. Getting dungeon groups is usually not that hard, either. Again, the server is not hardcore. I remember everybody predicting the death of Classic Era when TBC came out, and it was a bit dicey for awhile, but now it’s as busy as ever, and I’m loving it. I’ll probably stick around until I get my scepter and clear Naxx several times, and then move along, but it amazes me that I still see players who are new to WoW on the whole showing up on Classic Era and seeing how it was originally played and actually enjoying it.


I’m not reading all that paragraphs are your friend.

Because they saw how Classic era servers turned out? Why would they make that mistake again?

Go login to Mankrik or one of the servers in the group its in for a day or two and see if you still feel the same way. Took me 30 minutes to complete a quest yesterday, because competition for quest mobs was so heavy. SW was so heavily populated that my graphics actually stuttered a bit for once. That place is totally jumping right now.


And we have public information that wrath private servers are the most popular and have survived for years on the same content, so your point is mute


Link your source.

Those server all lie about there playerbase and I already talked about how they restart like seasons which draws people in.

Simply because people like fresh restarts. Wotlk classic wouldn’t be doing that, it would die.

Separate the servers from being clusters and they would be dead.

some do, but look at warmane for example that one been going for almost 10 years now I think and still has a good population.

Why? Why do that? So what if they’re clusters? That’s because people started on different servers and didn’t want to move over. There’s ways to transfer to fewer servers or make a cluster with Wrath Era servers. Blizzard can take its pick in that regard. It’s like saying, “If you stopped breathing right now, you’d be dead.” It’s true enough, but it’s also not a statement of what currently is or what is proposed to be anytime in the near future.

You can’t say to do some hypothetical action that makes no practical sense and then say that doing said thing would kill the servers when there are no plans to take that hypothetical action. There’s no reason Blizzard would do that at this stage, and there’s no reason that Wrath can’t do the same thing or choose an alternative route to consolidate so that populations are kept healthy.


Its ok Wafectus, Cata enhance is great and you can still save the battlegrounds, except this time get rating for it. No more 1300 arena rating whooooo!

Enjoy it while you can then unsub. If Cataclysm is deserted a few months in, maybe then they’ll finally “listen to the community.”

Edit: Trolls blocked ages ago still keep thinking I’m going to read their foolishness. :laughing:


They are listening to the community that’s why we’re getting cataclysm.

Please try and keep up


3 million members of the community said they were done with wow between Cata launch and MoP launch.

9 million members of the community said lets keep going.

You’ve always been the minority.


It’s crazy that he is so dense to not recognize that in order for him to know this, he had to manually go read what we typed after ignoring us.

Then he emoji’s as cope.

It’s sad really.

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RBGs aren’t queueable through the RBGF. Random BG Finder

If they were, then that might make a decent selling point. Hopefully, they’ll stay queue-less and make rejecting Cata even easier.

You wouldn’t want a random composition for Rated lol. You’re gonna be able to form groups similar to raids filling the classes/specs you need. It’s never gonna be like RDF or regular bgs with completely random partners.

Arena rating not required for a full arena set, you can get all your points from RBGs. Sounds like the perfect Wafectus xpac. Youll love it lol no arenas again.

I’d like to see a classic era wrath server maintained, Im not going through the whole cata, mop, wod, legion crap again.


So you admit to breaking forums rules that’s phenomenal thinking on your part

" Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

  • Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
  • Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
  • Making non-constructive posts
  • Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
  • Numbering a thread, IBTL, TLDR, or any other fad statements"


Point to me were I said anything of the sort? your just generalizing a whole group out of some sort of hate for people that enjoy WOTLK

Literally missed the point

Again missed the point and lacks reading comprehension.

Your also a nobody too :clown_face:

Don’t let the ban hit you on the way out :slightly_smiling_face:

See this is what being terminally online does to someone, Please get help and touch Grass


Then you have no understanding of why I use the automated queue systems in the first place.